Auteur : Lionel Ding


Max UPS and FPS can be changed using these methods :

  • gc.setMaxFPS();
  • gc.setMaxUPS();

Console Color

When writing to the server/client console, using a special syntax enables you to add colors.

  • Each String is divided into sections by blank spaces
  • Each section that stats with a # defines a changement in the current color
  • The new current color is defined by the following character
  • Here's the list of colors : r => RED g => GREEN b => blue y => yellow c => CYAN o => ORANGE m => MAGENTA p => PINK default, w,
    • => white
      Exemple : White White #bBlue Blue #-White #rRed Red Red #oOrange

Event History

To add a event in the history of the current app, use " gc.getEventHistory().addEvent()"


To create a button, use the class "Button" (new Button(x,y,"name")) Here are the customizable things :

  • Font (button.setFont())
  • Listener (button.addListener())
  • Width (button.setWidth())
  • Height (button.setHeight())

Ensuite, avec gc.getWindow().addButton(), l'on peut ajouter le boutton sur l'ihm

Custom Panel

It is possible to create custom panels, add them to the game engine and switch from one to another. A custom panel class must extends "CustomPanel" and override the paintComponent method. Then, to add a custom panel to the GameContainer :

  • gc.getWindow().addPanel("name", panel); And to switch to it :
  • gc.getWindow().switchPanel("name");

To switch to the default panel (the main one), use "main".


To create a menu, use the class "Menu" Here are the customizable things :

  • Title (menu.setTitle())
  • Title Font (menu.setTitleFont())
  • Add buttons (menu.addButton())
  • Button Font (menu.setButtonFont())
  • Background Image (menu.setBackgroundImage()) !! The button font needs to be set BEFORE the buttons are added !!

Similary to the custom panel, a menu can be added using :

  • gc.getWindow().addPanel("name", menu); And switch to using :
  • gc.getWindow().switchPanel("name"); To go back to the default panel, use "main"


To change the cursors, use "gc.getWindow().getCursorManager().setCursor(CursorType, Weight)" Depending on the weight of the request, the cursor will or will not change. There is some default weight that can be accessed using "CursorOrder.XXX". A lower weight will override the current cursor

setCursor returns "true" if the cursor has been changed


To modify the properties of the camera, use gc.getCam() :

  • .setCamLimit(minX,minY,maxX,maxY)
  • .setDragEnabled(boolean)
  • .setFocus(GameObject)
  • .setZoomEnabled(boolean)
  • .setZoomLimits(min, max)
  • .setXFocus(GameObject)
  • .setYFocus(GameObject)

Camera Motion

To add a dynamic camera, create a new CameraMotion passing the GameContainer as paramter Then :

  • .setGameObjects() => adds the list of players to follow
  • .setMarginX() => sets the X margin to place between each side and the closest gameObject
  • .setMarginY() => sets the Y margin to place between the top and bottom and the closest gameObject
  • .setMinWidth() => sets the minimum width (in pixel) that the zoom (scale) can achieve
  • .setMinHeight() => sets the minimum height (in pixel) that the zoom (scale) can achieve
  • .setMaxWidth() => sets the maximum width (in pixel) that the zoom (scale) can achieve
  • .setMaxHeight() => sets the maximum height (in pixel) that the zoom (scale) can achieve
  • .setCamSpeed() => sets the speed of the camera to move (a smaller number will give a faster camera (distance / speed))


To change the title, use "gc.getSettings().setTitle()"


To use a graph, first create one (new Graph) passing it's position Then use these methods :

  • .addData(String, Color) -- Defines a new DataSet with a name (String) and a Color
  • .setVisible(boolean) -- Show/Hide the graph
  • .setAverage(String, int) -- Defines the average lvl (int) of a certain DataSet (String)
  • .setXPointLimit(int) -- Defines the maximum number of points rederer on the X axes
  • .setCamSensitive(boolean) -- Prevents the graph from being moved or zoomed in/out
  • .setYGraduation(int) -- Default false
  • .setAxesMargin(int) -- Sets the margin under the X axes and to the left of the y axes
  • .setFixedMaxYValue(int) -- Defines a maximum on the Y axes, by default there is none and the graduation updates according to the data
  • .setOriginYValue(int) -- Defines the origin of the Y axes
  • .setSmoothDataMovement(boolean) -- Enable/Disable smooth movement of the data on the graph. Can cause the graph to be weirdly rendered.
  • .setShowValuesOnMouse(boolean) -- Show/Hide values when hoverring with the mouse (Default hide)
  • .setShowValues(boolean) -- Always Show/Hide values (Default hide)
  • .setGraphXOffset(int) -- Sets an offset in the list of shown point to go back in time


To enable the server, use "gc.enableServer(NetType.SERVER) Here are the customizable things :

  • gc.getSettings().setServerName()
  • gc.getSettings().setGameVersion()
  • gc.getServer().addEventListener(new ServerEventController())
  • gc.getServer().sendTCPPacket()
  • gc.getServer().sendUDPPacket()
  • gc.getServer().enableNetworkSecurity(NetworkSecurityType.TYPE)

Music / Sound

Create a music object using the class "SoundClip" The constructor needs 2 arguments :

  1. (String) The file name (./assets/audios) isn't requierd, it is automatically added
  2. (float) The volume (in DCBL, so negativ numbers are okay (and recommanded) Then :
  • .play() -- Starts the audio
  • .stop() -- Stops the audio
  • .close() -- Deletes the audio
  • .loop() -- Loops the audio