- Developed by InValidFire
This bot aids us on our server Valdrea doing whatever we need it to, if you want to self host, be my guest. =D
- Convert Overworld coordinates to Nether coordinates and vice versa
- Map our custom Nether Grid system to any set of coordinates, and look up each location.
- Easily look up pages from the Minecraft Wiki
- Convert temperature units
- Check the time in specific timezones
- Various Math functions
- Easily update bot with the github repository from inside Discord.
- Lapis Lord permission system
- only people designated as Lapis Lords can run administrative commands
- `cogs.playerdata'
- Pulls data from our Player Data spreadsheet, displaying what is requested depending on the requesting user's permissions.
- Weather API tie-in
- Let people request a weather report for an input area
- Google API tie-in
- Google search from bot?
- Could also allow us to search for locations directly from the Address Book.
- Dictionary.com API tie-in
- Define word from search
- Get synonyms or antonyms from search
- Improve Maths
- Using Sympy, process math stuffs
- Optimize code, make more functional, sub commands
- Bug Fixing
- Data system upgrades
Functionalize file deletionPossibly make tree creation by step instead of by folder.Split at '/', check existence, make if necessary, go to next. More fluid and adaptable, compressable.
- Let lapislords send/request files from Bot's Data.
- Possible uses:
- recipe interpretation
- Add-On hosting
- Possibly instead link to Google Drive
- Possible uses:
- Logging and Debug system upgrades
- Save variable states to file
- Change channel output to subscription based, sending to a list of channels who opt-in, instead of only one.
- Use git python package instead of hardwired console commands
- Rewrite cogs.system
- Subcommand it
- Fix lapislords
- Rewrite bot.py
- Improve old code
If you're feeling kind and you see a bug or issue that you can fix, feel free to make modifications and submit a pull request!