
A statistical framework completely written in Swift

Primary LanguageSwiftGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Version Language DevelopmentPlatform SupportedOS Build


SwiftyStats is a generic statistical framework completely written in Swift 4. The framework is basically a port from an existing Objective C framework I've written years ago. The original framework includes often used statistical routines. The project includes a macOS and iOS target.


  • clone the repo
  • drag the SwiftyStats.xcodeproj into your project
  • add "SwiftyStats"/"SwiftyStatsMobile" to "Targets" -> "Build Phases" -> "Target Dependencies "
  • add "SwiftyStats"/"SwiftyStatsMobile" to "Targets" -> "Build Phases" -> "Link Binary With Libraries"
  • add "SwiftyStats"/"SwiftyStatsMobile" to "Targets" -> "Build Phases" -> "Embed Frameworks"


This is the central class. SSExamine objects encapsulate your data and delivers various statistics. To initialize a new instance follow the steps below.

import SwiftyStats

// example data
let data: Array<Double> = [3.14,1.21,5.6]
// because our data are double valued items, the parameter "characterSet" is ignored
let test = SSExamine<Double>.init(withObject: data, levelOfMeasurement: .interval, characterSet: nil)
// prints out the arithmetic mean
// you can use the class to analyze strings too:
let testString = "This string must be analyzed!"
// in this case, only characters contained in CharacterSet.alphanumerics are added
let stringAnalyze = VTExamine<String>(withObject: data, levelOfMeasurement: .nominal, characterSet: CharacterSet.alphanumerics)

SSExamine objects can be stored and restored:

do {
	try myExamineObject.archiveTo(filePath: "~/data/myexamine.ssexamine", overwrite: true)
catch {
    // error handling
do {
	newObject: SSExamine<Double> = try SSExamine<Double>.unarchiveFrom(filePath: "~/data/myexamine.ssexamine")
catch {
    // error handling

Obtainable Statistics

(This list is not exhaustive.)

  • sample size
  • length (= number of unique elements)
  • frequencies (absolute, relative, cumulative)
  • empirical cdf
  • means (arithmetic, geometric, harmonic, contraharmonic)
  • empirical dispersion measures (variance, semi variance, standard deviation, standard error)
  • empirical moments (central, about the origin, standardized)
  • mode
  • maximum, minimum
  • quantiles
  • ...


The framework implements the following tests so far:

  • Kolmogorov Smirnov test (one/two sample))
  • Anderson Darling test
  • Bartlett test
  • Levene test (with variants)
  • Grubbs test
  • ESD test (Rosner test)
  • t test (matched, 2-sample)
  • Mann Whitney U-test
  • Wilcoxon matched pairs test
  • sign test
  • one factor ANOVA
  • Tukey-Kramer post hoc test
  • ScheffĂ©-Test ...


The class provides the following functions/parameters for the probability distributions listed below:

  • PDF
  • CDF
  • Quantile (= inverse CDF)
  • Parameters (kurtosis, skewness, variance, mean)

List of supported distributions:

  • Normal Distribution
  • F-Ratio Distribution
  • Student's T Distribution
  • Chi^2 Distribution
  • Beta Distribution
  • Gamma Distribution
  • Log Normal Distribution
  • Cauchy Distribution
  • Laplace Distribution
  • Pareto Distribution
  • Wald Distribution
  • Exponential Distribution
  • Uniform Distribution
  • Triangular Distribution