This is a fullstack real-time chat applicaiton utilizing React (Vite), Node.js, Express,, MongoDB (in docker), and Swagger API documentation while utilizing Typescript. There are also server integration tests and client e2e tests.
cd server
npm install
# change terminal
cd client
npm install
# start database
docker compose up --build -d
# start server
cd server
npm start
# start client
cd client
npm run dev
database ui will be running on
http://localhost:8081 -
client will be running on
http://localhost:5173 -
Note: the login screen only requires entering a unique name so that you can be identified in the chat room
- for both integration tests and e2e tests db, and server and client should all be running
# run backend integration tests
$ cd sever
$ npm run int-test
# run frontend e2e tests
$ cd client
$ npm run e2e-test
swagger: http://localhost:3002/api-docs