- 1
#154 opened by Nikhilthehokage - 2
- 6
Composer repository
#112 opened by luckyraul - 1
Php 7.2 + M1.9.4.x : can no longer link child (associated) products to parent configurables in admin
#153 opened by seansan - 6
- 2
PHP7.2 Dev mode - session_module_name
#138 opened by Nuranto - 5
Does it support PHP 7.3.x?
#148 opened by seansan - 1
- 1
Inchoo_PHP7_Helper_Data class not found
#149 opened by ajayshukla - 0
The each function in Magento with PHP 7.2
#150 opened by luigifab - 4
- 1
PHP 7.2.x produces recoverable error when using "user" mode for session management
#146 opened by kanevbg - 8
PHP 7.1 Suport
#141 opened by larsroettig - 13
PHP7.2 getAllOptions()
#139 opened by Nuranto - 22
mcrypt is removed in PHP 7.2
#126 opened by csdougliss - 1
PHP7.2 Zend_Cache_Backend
#142 opened by Nuranto - 2
- 0
- 2
- 3
Running on PHP 7.1 page
#137 opened by tdgroot - 3
- 0
- 2
__autoload deprecated issue
#132 opened by Nuranto - 0
isSessionOverriden wrong message
#134 opened by victordit - 2
Thumbnails not showing
#131 opened by Fabzzz - 3
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in lib/Zend/Locale/Math/PhpMath.php on line 94
#125 opened by csdougliss - 14
mcrypt is deprecated in PHP7.1
#98 opened by benjamw - 1
- 3
- 3
Issue with PHP7.0 and patch SUPEE-9767
#117 opened by mrobichaud-absolunet - 7
- 0
Issues with Mage on PHP 7.0
#129 opened by hatemdeeb - 1
Issue with order of evaluation in Layout.php
#127 opened by dusty-wil - 2
Something else to override
#120 opened by hhdivil - 1
- 1
Release new tag for PR #115
#119 opened by tobiasdalhof - 1
Update Wiki ProperInstallation
#116 opened by EmPeWe - 1
- 1
What happened to the Mage_Core_Model_Layout override?
#118 opened by tjons - 4
update phpseclib
#109 opened by pepijnblom - 3
cant install any extension
#110 opened by bonucci - 2
#111 opened by eWholesaler - 5
Product image uploads error
#108 opened by raekul - 0
- 8
7.1 support?
#94 opened by csdougliss - 2
Make sorting more consistent [Suggestion]
#104 opened by jwittorf - 6
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Function name must be a string in app\code\core\Mage\Core\Model\Layout.php on line 555
#103 opened by brankoajzele - 1
Blank Screen After switching to PHP 7.0 on CentOS 6
#101 opened by farbulous - 5
Uncaught Error: Function name must be a string in lib/Varien/File/Uploader.php:274
#102 opened by JensBourgeois - 2
Unmaintained server?
#95 opened by doublezeroseven