This is Rclone Bot in Telegram made for your ease. Code has been updated for latest Python CODE
Before everything, install python3. Because we use python as our programing language.
- For Linux system: Install latest rclone. If in Debian/Ubuntu, directly use this command
sudo apt-get install screen git && curl | sudo bash
After all dependency above are successfully installed, run this command
sudo git clone && cd AutoRclone && sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
For Window system: Install latest rclone
Bot Along with Rclone files Download
You can install or upgrade python-telegram-bot with:
$ pip install python-telegram-bot --upgrade
Or you can install from source with:
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd python-telegram-bot
$ python install
In case you have a previously cloned local repository already, you should initialize the added urllib3 submodule before installing with:
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
- Configure the Rclone like- adding the drive to rclone
- Add this to config file
To find the location of Rclone Config File type
server_side_across_configs = true
rclone config file
- Also Install Some pip files
pip install
subprocess is updated recentlypip install subprocess32
- Complete the code by adding your Drive details ** Line-38,235 for best experience ** also Line-42,230 for best experience
- Copy the Bot where rclone.exe is present(in case of windows)
- Just run bot anywhere in case of Linux
- Open Terminal or CMD in the directory/folder where the is stored To start bot type
This command to check is bot runing or not
To Know About the Commands and How to use them
To Run Shell or Rclone Command, for example to list folder in drive1
/rclone lsf --csv "drive1"
Don't run copy command it will ####BAN your bot
To Copy Files from drive1 to drive2, for example
/rclonecopy rclone copy drive1:subfolder drive2:subfolder -P
To Show Inline View of Folder in Drive Change it to your drive before Running the Code
To Create the Backup i.e