This application is downloading all recent movies from the TheMovieDB api and stores it into a SQLite database. The user types in an actor and this application is looking this actor up and print out all movies he's playing in. For a given location it suggests cinemas in the areas that play this movie.
Only movies that are not already in the database will be downloaded and stored to save time.
Please enter the actore name you want to search for:
Ben Affleck
The given actor plays in the following movies
(1) Justice League
Please selecte a movie now:
Please enter your location:
The following cinemas in your area show this film:
Cinema: "Stratford Picturehouse, London" Distance: 0.25
Cinema: "VUE Leamington Spa, Leamington Spa" Distance: 9.67
Cinema: "VUE Redditch, Redditch" Distance: 12.81
Cinema: "Cineworld Solihull, Solihull" Distance: 15.66
Cinema: "Odeon Coventry, " Distance: 17.19
Cinema: "Cineworld Birmingham - NEC, Bickenhill" Distance: 18.42
Cinema: "Empire Birmingham Great Park, Birmingham" Distance: 19.18
To build this project just execute in the main folder:
stack build
To execute:
stack exec groupproject-exe
Note: If you run the programm for the first type, it may take a while. All movies have to be downloaded and stored into the database.
This application provides a set of tests. To run the tests execute stack test
in the main folder.
Note: The tests are cleaning the database. If you run the program again, every movie have to be downloaded again.
By default only the movies of the last thwo months will be downloaded. Further all movies older than six months will be deleted from the database to save disk space.
The team for this project consists of thre master students at Queen Mary University London:
Johannes Hartmann Github Profile
Liam Kelly Github Profile
Manuel Campos Villarreal Github Profile
The haddoc documentation can be found at: