A detailed explanation of this library and example games can be found at the corresponding master thesis: https://github.com/IncredibleHannes/QMUL-MastersProject/blob/master/paper.pdf
With the library some example games where implemented. Some of this examples an external matrix library which can be installed with the following command:
cabal install matrix
Make sure to execute the games you have a current version of GHCI and cabal.
Each of the example case studies have their own main method and therefore need
to be compiled and executed individually.
Furthermore, some implementations support parallelism and need therefore be
compiled with the following command:
ghc -O2 -threaded --make <FileName.hs>
This application provides a set of tests. To run the tests execute stack test
in the main folder.
The haddoc documentation of the library can be found at: https://incrediblehannes.github.io/QMUL-MastersProject/