
A simple chat application and server (with authentication). Supports both chatrooms and private messages. Also provides chat history.

How to run and use server

What IP-address and port to bind to is customized in server/config.toml. Default is

git clone https://github.com/IndaPlus23/rrosenq-idapy-sagakar-dombos-project.git
cd server/
cargo run

How to run and use client

git clone https://github.com/IndaPlus23/rrosenq-idapy-sagakar-dombos-project.git
cd client/src-tauri/
cargo tauri dev

Once started, you will be presented with a promt that asks for an IP-address to a server, username and password. Accounts are created if the user attempts to log into an account whose username is unoccupied.

Diagram of how the client and server works
