C Minus Compiler (CIS4650)

Developers: Kristan Samaroo, Indeep Farma

Semester: W22


This code is based off the example provided by Kristan Samaroo and Indeep Farma for the assignment. The CFGs created in the cm.cup file are based off of the "Syntatic Rules in BNF" section of the "Specification for the C-Language" pdf provided by Kristan Samaroo and Indeep Farma for the assignment.


The written documentation project report can be found in the 'documentation' folder.

Executing Compiler:

The make file has instructions on how to clean, compile, and run the code. The following commands are to be run from the root directory of the project.

To compile:


To run:

java -cp /usr/share/java/cup.jar:. Main {testFile}

({testFile} is to be replaced with a .cm filename. testFiles/fac.cm for example)

You can also create just the Lexer with make Lexer.java or just the parser with make parser.java.

Running Demo Testing Files (fac.cm, gcd.cm, sort.cm, 1.cm - 5.cm):

In order to run the files used in the demo (as per the marking scheme document), you can use the makefile targets to run respective files such as the following:

make fac

make gcd

make sort

make ex1 (replace 1 with [2,3,4,5] for each x.cm file)

A Small Caveat:

  • There is a small issue currently that occurs when generating assembly code for a given file. The file being compiled will get overwritten by an empty file and the code needs to be re- added to it.

Directory Structure:

The main components of this project include the following:


This directory contains the classes used to represent grammar rules defined in cm.cup. They can be split up into two main groups: Declarations and Expressions. Dec and Exp both inherit from Absyn.java.


Contains the CFGs that are used to recognize syntatical patterns. These CFGs create objects of /absyn classes.


Contains regex for matching text in .cm files. These matched items are then used in cm.cup


Shows tree created to represent the structure of a given .cm file.