
Advanced Angular 2+ starter setup by www.independer.nl. Features ASP.NET Core, Angular 4, Multiple Angular apps, Angular Universal (server-side rendering), AOT compilation and more.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Advanced Angular Starter by www.independer.nl

Based on:


  • ASP.NET Core
  • Angular
  • Angular Universal (server-side rendering)
  • Multiple Apps
  • Webpack 3
  • Typescript 2
  • AOT compilation
  • SASS
  • Webpack DLL support for fast builds in development mode
  • Lazy routes
  • @ngx-meta for SEO


  1. .NET Core SDK 1.1+
  2. Node.js 6+

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository

  2. Restore .NET Core packages:

       dotnet restore
  3. Restore NPM packages:

       npm install
  4. Run the app using one the options:

    • From command-line

        npm run start:dev
    • From Visual Studio Code:

        Ctrl+Shift+B - runs default "build" task that in turn runs "npm run start:dev"
    • From Visual Studio:

        F5 - starts IIS Express development server.
  5. Navigate to http://localhost:5000 in a web browser

Other commands

Build Production Bundles

npm run build:prod

Build Server-Side Rendering Bundles

npm run build:server
npm run build:server:prod

CI build

This command will run TSLint, build all bundles in all configurations and run unit tests.

npm run ci

More commands

For even more commands, please see the "scripts" section of package.json.

Server-Side Rendering

Server-side rendering is enabled only when the page is requested by a search engine bot (based on User-Agent header) or if the URL contains ?_escaped_fragment_= (a legacy way for recognizing search engine bots, but we keep it because it is useful for testing).

In order to disable server-side rendering completely set ServerRendering/IsEnabled settings to true in appsettings.json:

  "ServerRendering": {
    "IsEnabled": true

Additionally, in order for server-side rendering to work, we need to build the application bundles that can be executed on the server-side with NodeJS. To build the "server" bundles, the following commands can be used:

npm run build:server
npm run build:server:prod

So, to test the application with server-side rendering in Development mode, you need to run two commands:

npm run build:server && npm run start:dev

And similarly, to test the application with server-side rendering in Production mode:

npm run build:prod && npm run build:server:prod && npm run start:prod