
Vue 2 / @vue/composition-api / script-setup / TypeScript / Volar / vue-cli with vite.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Vue 2 Final Boilerplate

Vue 2 can be better, even perfect.

Tech Stack


  • Vue 2 for legacy browsers and old projects.
  • TypeScript play well with Vue 2 if you use defineComponent or script setup with composition-api.
  • Volar make perfect IDE support for Vue with full LSP features.
  • vite is fast for development and vue-cli for bundling webapp.


Project setup


Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn dev
yarn vite

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build
yarn vite:build(just experimental)

Run your unit tests

yarn test:unit

Lints and fixes files

yarn lint

Different with vue-cli

  • support vite
  • typescript and composition-api first(with script setup)
  • use latest eslint-vue-plugin and Vue 3 compat
  • supoort more env(development/staging/test/production and so on)


  • composables dir
  • auto-routing(maybe unplugin-vue2-auto-routing)
  • tailwind/windicss
  • tsdoc
  • micro-frontend
  • stylelint
