

Web application to show the smooth and clean user flow.

reactjs chakra-ui restAPI css3 JavaScript Bootstrap


[] [Express js] [Firebase]



Getting StartedInstalling

LifeStyleStores Website Clone (Learning Purpose)

About LifeStyleStores Website :

LifeStyleStore This is an E-Commerce website which speciaizes in selling clothes and styling products. The website provides 800 brands and 33,000 products of different types of clothes, watches, sunglasses, shoes etc. In this project we have tried to manipulate dom elements, styling using css and tried to make website more dynamic and responsive. With our efforts and the technology stack, that we have learned till now in Unit-2 in the masai school, we were able to clone the whole website with same looking & features.

🚀 Features

  • Navbar & Footer
  • Homepage for all Category
  • Login/Signup User Account
  • Own Backend Authentication
  • Private Routes
  • Product Pages of all Category
  • Single Product Page
  • Cart Page
  • Payment Page
  • All page are working

HomePages :

Login/Signup :

Product :

SingleProduct :

Cart :

Payment :

Getting Started

This project was built using React v 17.0.2, Chakra UI, CSS and Rest API. It is a web application and for running on your local environment you should follow these guidelines.


  • NPM


You can download the code as zip file or you can clone it using the following commands

# git clone  
  • Open terminal on your workspace with
cd filename


Install NPM

Check that you have node and npm installed

To check if you have Node.js installed, run this command in your terminal:

node -v

To confirm that you have npm installed you can run this command in your terminal:

npm -v

To install all the dependences of the project, run the following command:

npm install

To run the application, run the following command:

npm run dev

Tools used on this project

  • Visual Studio Code

Some Chanllenges We Faced :

We have faced few challenges while working on project , sometimes it take lot of time to finish the tasks , but on the other hand we learned many things from that. some of the challenges are- As this is the first time we are working by creating branches from Github main , we have to handle the data carefully. Sometimes due to the some network issue there was a lack of communication between members but we able to sort out the issue and we finished our work within the given time.

Conclusion & Experience :

We are very thankful to our Team lead,Teammates and instructor for helping us to finish the project within due date. We are looking forward to add some features and functionalities which we left in this project for future expansion. The entire journey of working with this project was great. We have learned lots of things by applying the ideas and concepts to the real website and we have got a lot of confidence. This project is the result of Hardwork and Dedication by the Team Members.

Team Members and Contributors :

1] Buvaneswaran Acharya(Team Lead)

2] Akash Kumar

3] Amit Maurya

4] Mohamed Haris

5] Rahul Pawar

Links :

Presentation Link :


If you want to contact me, you can reach me through below handles.

linkedin Github

© 2022 Buvaneswaran Acharya