Recommend Bedrock Softwares

This repository is a collection of softwares and proxies for minecraft Bedrock that I used and can recommend to some extent

Managment Applications

Bedrock Dedicated Server

This is server process luncher for auto restart, world backup, crash auto enable, extensions support and more for bds, currently only in Polish language
(Still have so many changes)

Server Software

Most recommended

Vanilla Bedrock server, maybe lagged with many addons Download

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This is Bedrock Dedicated Server in extended version

//TODO: Zaktualizować info o PNX i Jukebox + dodać nukkit MOT

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Continuation of nukkit by cloudburst
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This version of Nukkit support mutli version
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It is very suitable for Survival, it contains a great generator (terra) and a lot of blocks

Also good

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[DISCONTINUED] I prefer PowerNukkitX but if it doesn't work for you, you can use PowerNukkit

Only for minigames

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Very old software in my opinion is only suitable for mini games
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Jukeboxmc is to get a rewrite, but for now I think it's only good for mini games

I don't know what they can be used for (maybe also minigames)

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I don't know what this software could be used for, but it works, contains a bit blocks and functions, maybe it will change in the future

Not tested but supposedly good

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I haven't used this software but apparently it's good, as far as I know it's bds in the extended version


Most recommended

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With this proxy, I recommend connecting servers running Nukkit PetteriM1 Edition software or regular Nukkit also maybe PowerNukkitX

Also good

  • I haven't used any others

Not tested but supposedly good

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I never used this proxy

Java client connection to Bedrock server


Best project , still in development

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Proxy that turns itself on. Almost nothing is supported at the moment


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This plugin is a Bigbrother fork, I've never used it but I used the first version of bigbrother, as far as I know this version of the fork is based on another fork that had a lot of functions


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This is a mod that allows you to join Bedrock servers. Almost nothing is supported at the moment