
A Simulator for the minimal machine, teached at the kit in karlsruhe, with a graphical ui.

Primary LanguageJava


A Simulator for the minimal machine (taught at the kit in Karlsruhe, Germany, see http://ti.ira.uka.de/), with a graphical UI.



Compile instructions


  • use following command to compile alle files to a bin directory:
mkdir bin
javac -d bin -sourcepath src src/org/Mima.java
  • run by using:
java -classpath bin org.Mima

Creating an executable JAR-File

  • change to the bin folder
  • use jar cvfe MiMaSimu.jar org.Mima org to create a jar file
  • execute by using: java -jar MiMaSimu.jar

General instructions

The internal memory can be edited by clicking the edit memory button. Memory images with the extension ".mima" or ".mem" can be load by use of the "load memory" button or by passing the file as command line argument.

double slashes "//" can be used to add command lines to memory files.

commands as well as values can be stored at a specific address by just typing the address before the value:

0x00002 42 //value 42 at address 0x2

If no address is given the value is stored at the address of the value before incremented by one

0x00002 42 // value at address 0x2
43 // value at address 0x3
44 // value at address 0x4

addresses as well as data and instructions can ether be written in hex (0x2A), decimal (42) or dual (0b101010).

if no start address is given, the program starts at address 0x00000.

the start address can be explicitly defined as:

start 0x100 // program starts at 0x100

or can be given as annotation:

0x100 0x100042 ;START
0x100 0x100042 //START
0x100 0x100042 start

it doesn't matter if lower or upper case is used as well as spaces or tabulators.

The memory address 0x04242 is mapped to the consoles output.

Architecture of the MIMA (minimal machine)


  • Acc (Akku): Accumulator
  • X: first ALU operand
  • Y: second ALU operand
  • Z: ALU result
  • One (Eins): constant 1
  • IAR: instruction address register
  • IR: instruction register
  • SAR: memory address register
  • SDR: memory data register

ALU operations

c_2c_1c_0 Operation
000 do nothing (Z --> Z)
001 X + Y --> Z
010 rotate X to the right --> Z
011 X AND Y --> Z
100 X OR Y --> Z
101 X XOR Y --> Z
110 one's complement of X --> Z
111 Z <-- (X == Y)?-1:0

Instruction set

Instruction format

  • OpCode < F: [4 Bit OpCode][20 Bit Address or constant]
  • OpCode >= F: [8 Bit OpCode][0x0000]


OpCode mnemonik Description
0 LDC c c --> Acc
1 LDV a < a > --> Acc
2 STV a Acc --> < a >
3 ADD a Acc + < a > --> Acc
4 AND a Acc AND < a > --> Acc
5 OR a Acc OR < a > --> Acc
6 XOR a Acc XOR < a > --> Acc
7 EQL a if(Acc == < a >){-1 --> Acc} else {0 --> Acc}
8 JMP a Jump to address a
9 JMN a Jump to address a if acc < 0
A LDIV a << a >> --> Acc
B STIV a Acc --> << a >>
C JMS a jump subroutine (see below)
D JIND a jump indirect (see below)
E free
F0 HALT stops the minimal machine
F1 NOT one's complement(Acc) --> Acc
F2 RAR rotates Acc on the the right --> Acc
F3 - FF free
  • Bits shifted out right within a RAR command will be pushed in at the left.
  • The instruction JMS target saves the address of the succeeding instruction (return address) to the address given by target and initiates a jump to target + 1.
  • JIND target initiates a jump to the address which is stored at the target address. (Jmp )

Other stuff

Give a look at the MIMA simulator (mimasim) and assambler (mimasm) by cbdev: https://github.com/cbdevnet/mima/