Backend and Frontend Template

Latest version:

This template refers to itself as group-00-web. In your project, use your group number in place of 00.

Project Structure

File Purpose What you do?
server/ Backend server code All your server code
server/ Everything about the server READ ME carefully!
client/ Frontend client code All your client code
client/ Everything about the client READ ME carefully!
docs/ Free online production deployment Deploy your app online in production mode
docs/ Local production deployment Deploy your app local in production mode


The version numbers in brackets indicate the tested versions but feel free to use more recent versions. You can also use alternative tools if you know how to configure them (e.g., Firefox instead of Chrome).

Getting started

# Clone repository
git clone

# Change into the directory
cd group-00-web

# Setup backend
cd server && npm install
npm run dev

# Setup frontend
cd client && npm install
npm run serve

Check out the detailed instructions for backend and frontend.

Visual Studio Code (VSCode)

Open the server and client in separate VSCode workspaces or open the combined backend-frontend.code-workspace. Otherwise, workspace-specific settings don't work properly.

System Definition (MS0)


The aim of our project is to create a website where users can share and view recipes essentially. Viewers will need to sign, create an account or sign in with google. Then users are free to browse our catalog of recipes. Each recipe has numerous descriptive elements we call “tags'' that inform users who are viewing a recipe what it contains. Example tags could be “vegan”, “breakfast”,”cheap” etc. Moreover users can review recipes with both free text and a star system rating.

CRUD operations

Create: Users will be able to create recipes, reviews, preferences and a favorites recipe list.

Read: Provide users with recipes to view using the cards design pattern where users browse, search and filter them. Moreover, users can view other users' accounts.

Update: Users will have the ability to edit their recipes, reviews, and preferences

Delete: Users can delete their account, remove recipes from their favorites list, and delta reviews or recipes they previously posted.


  • Home page: The user is presented with a view of cards. Each card can be enlarged to view the full recipe with instructions, ingredients, associated tags and comments.
  • Recipe creation page: The user is asked to fill out recipe information according to a template, and be able to select one or more tags.
  • Settings: The user is able to alter their preferences, password, autoplaying videos, using different measurements, etc.
  • Profile: Users are able to view their history of browsed recipes, created recipes, and statistics such as which tags they view the most and relatively simple analytics about their behavior.
  • Favorites: The user has all their favorite recipes in there.

Initial UI sketch

Initial paper sketch of what the systems frontend could look like: Initial UI Design

Entity-Relationship (ER) Diagram

ER Diagram

Teaser (MS3)

