Mobile support
zahid-arbisoft opened this issue · 0 comments
zahid-arbisoft commented
I am using JWT tokens in http only cookies along with csrf tokens. I want to extend my solution for the mobile platform, Is it possible. Can you add any examples? Some of the flags i am using are:
authjwt_secret_key = "secret"
authjwt_token_location: set = ('headers', 'cookies')
authjwt_algorithm: str = "RS512"
authjwt_public_key: str = public_key
authjwt_private_key: str = private_key
authjwt_decode_algorithms: set = {"HS384", "HS512"}
authjwt_cookie_csrf_protect: bool = True
authjwt_cookie_secure: bool = True
authjwt_cookie_samesite: str = 'lax'
authjwt_access_token_expires: str = 100 # min