FastAPI extension that provides JWT Auth support (secure, easy to use, and lightweight)
- 16
TypeError: `@validator(..., each_item=True)` cannot be applied to fields with a schema of json-or-python
#98 opened by genievn - 1
How to trigger token refresh?
#102 opened by WiraDKP - 2
No one maintenance on this project?
#101 opened by lpdswing - 4
Fetching CSRF from headers requires update
#94 opened by shivam221098 - 0
- 1
OpenApi docs
#90 opened by wesleymr59 - 3
Why isnt this repo being maintained anymore?
#96 opened by xkasberg - 2
- 0
RuntimeError : authjwt_secret_key must be set
#95 opened by connieya - 1
Try to upgrade PyJWT to 2.4.0
#91 opened by sr-vazkez - 1
Error hierarchy
#81 opened by Midnighter - 5
Project status
#87 opened by vittoriozamboni - 1
clarification in _verifying_token
#66 opened by venkatesan001 - 0
issued_at is not in UTC
#86 opened by drforse - 0
Cookie not being sent to frontend
#85 opened by apaul45 - 1
Example not working
#78 opened by loopsmark - 0
Verifying token after checking "Required"
#50 opened by vindyvalentine - 2
- 0
- 1
Using AuthJWT for token creation only?
#75 opened by vaizki - 0
Is this project still alive?
#80 opened by jmilosze - 0
Same-Site Cookie Context
#79 opened by lakshaythareja - 1
- 0
Mobile support
#77 opened by zahid-arbisoft - 0
Doc in dark mode
#74 opened by don-polo - 1
No Swagger UI Operations Permitted
#73 opened by AmmarAhmadKhan - 0
- 0
- 0
Update pyjwt version requirement - There are incompatible version with fastapi-users[sqlalchemy]
#70 opened by gikpro - 6
[Question] Revoking tokens on refresh
#65 opened by ultratin - 1
- 1
JWT in Cookies - Missing CSRF Token
#62 opened by denjas - 0
- 1
Method Not Allowed
#57 opened by sumitsharansatsangi - 1
- 0
- 0
AuthConfig.load_config decorator decision
#58 opened by WiseDemon - 0
- 1
Overwrite the secret key for encoding/decoding
#52 opened by mfrey777 - 3
- 1
new access token, not updateded on brower
#48 opened by 0xdeepmehta - 2
Allow using sql for token blacklist
#49 opened by SelfhostedPro - 6
Personalization exeption messages
#46 opened by MohammadmahdiAhmadi - 0
- 0
raw_token['type'] - Issue
#45 opened by anandraj285 - 4
set token durability
#44 opened by silvanohirtie - 1
The subject below the create_access_token function wants to be able to support dict
#43 opened by iasukas - 2
Is there any way to auto refresh secrets?
#39 opened by GoodManWEN - 1
- 3
Sliding sessions
#38 opened by hestal