
Repository for WCE hackathon

Cordial Care

Our project primarily focuses on providing Health Care Solutions, in which we have taken the following issues into consideration:

  1. Many times a hospital lacks a facility that is available as any other nearby hospital.
  2. Many people shy away from sharing their medical conditions due to fear or social taboos.
  3. People face a lot of harassment while trying to search for a particular medical facility or while trying to find beds for proper treatment.
  4. Manier times people are fair to bear the cost for a particular treatment which might be available at a lower cost anywhere else.
  5. During this pandemic time one of the greatest problems is availability of beds and doctors.
  6. People get puzzled to choose a proper doctor for a particular treatment.

We have tried to provide the solutions for the above discussed problems by building a web application. To use the application user just needs to have a smartphone or a device to avail the facilities.


  1. Right now there is no facility that allows people to check bed vacancy from their home but this is possible with our idea.
  2. Our facility will allow people to search for a particular product in a given location so that they can also fetch it themselves.
  3. 24*7 online AI heath care chatbot .


  1. We have just implemented the structure of our idea in these 48 hours as github dosen't support backend moreover it was not possiible to integrate the backend too in this short span . However we have developed a rough idea on backend using xaamp on our local host and intend to include this feature into our project in future.
  2. We have also added the infant section as suggested by the judges.


Step1:- Download the files and codes provided in our repository.

Step2:- Install VS Code.

Step3:- Install Live server extension in VS code.

Step4:- In the main index.html file right click and press open with live server.

Step5:- Visit the site.

Or Visit our application from our repository, also provided in the link below.


2021-07-11 (3) 2021-07-11 (4) 2021-07-11 (5) 2021-07-11 (7) 2021-07-11 (8) 2021-07-11 (9) 2021-07-11 (10) 2021-07-11 (11) 2021-07-11 (12) 2021-07-11 (13) 2021-07-11 (14) 2021-07-11 (15) 2021-07-11 (16) 2021-07-11 (6)