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Segmentation of CDS in Fungi DNA

This is repository of Martin Indra's master's thesis focusing on coding sequence segmentation in DNA sequences of fungi.

Compiled PDF of the thesis is available on mgn.cz/introns.pdf.

The goal of the thesis is detection of introns in long fungal DNA sequences. Id est detection of start and end position of each intron. This is done in two steps:

  1. Intron splice-site detection predicts confidence of donor and acceptor splice-site on each consensus dinucleotide (GT and AG respecitvely) in a DNA sequence.

  2. Intron detection produces a list of intron start and end positions withing a sequence. This step takes output from the previous step as input.


The text is placed inside /thesis.


Data for the project as well as trained neural networks and other large binary materials are available in Google Cloud Storage (GCS) at gs://thesis.mgn.cz/data. The GCS is not publicly accessibly because it is privately funded by the author. Feel to request access from the author if necessary.

Part of data can be downloaded automatically with data.sh script.

Splice Site Detection

Splice sites are detected with a recurrent convolutional neural network (RCNN). The RCNN takes a fixed-length DNA sequence on its input and predicts whether there is a splice-site at a fixed position in the input sequence. Output of the RCNN is a number between 0 and 1 (inclusive).

The RCNN is trained and experiments are done with the following pipeline:

  1. Training data are prepared with a pre-processing program placed in /preprocess directory. See --help test of the program to learn more about data pre-processing.

    Numpy NPZ files with training/validation/test data are generated at the end of the pre-processing pipeline. Each NPZ file contains arrays input (one-hot-encoded input DNA sequence), output (either 1.0 or 0.0) and position.

  2. This steps generates a two CSV files with file paths to training and validation examples, id est paths to a subset of NPZ paths from the previous steps. This step takes the following inputs:

    • Splice-site type, which is either donor or acceptor.
    • Positive example ratio, which is a number between 0 and 1 (exclusive).
    • Maximum number of examples per organism. Note that there might be less than this number of example for organisms with short DNA sequences. This value is set separately for training and validation dataset.
    • A filter on organisms, which could be used in the dataset.
    • Number of validation organisms. The remaining organisms are included in training dataset.
  3. This steps train a RCNN on input data generated in previous steps. Training and validation loss is stored in a log file during training and model is stored in a HDF5 file.

  4. This steps evaluates performance of the neural network on validation dataset. It also produces performance statistics on each organism from training and validation datasets.

  5. This steps produces a comprehensive PDF report from data generated in the previous step.