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Atmo is a Rain World mod that acts as a regpack-centric scripting addon for RegionKit. It allows a region maker to add world events, easily bundling behaviour with custom trigger conditions.


  • Custom Regions Support.


Atmo searches regionpack subfolders [regpack]/World/[region]/[region-acronym].atmo for specialized config files. For example, if Better Shelters had a .atmo file for Outskirts, it would be put into Rain World/Mods/CustomResources/BetterShelters/World/SU/SU.atmo.

.atmo files should be plaintext files encoded in UTF-8.

File format is as follows:

// comments are supported

// define room group. each group consists of a list of rooms
// you can separate room names with commas and whitespaces

// Define an event
HAPPEN: testevent
//groups + include rooms - exclude rooms
WHERE: first + SU_A41 - SU_S03
// Actions. Each action is a word, followed by optional literals that act as parameters for the action / word.
// String literals are enclosed in -> ' <- single quotes.
WHAT: sound 'HUD_Karma_Reinforce_Bump' 'cd=40' 'pitch=2.0' rumble 'cooldown=200' 'duration=100' 'intensity=0' 'shake=0.8'
// Activation conditions. You can connect them with () parens,
// !&^| boolean math operators or NOT AND XOR OR word equivalents. XOR can also be used as !=
WHEN: AfterRain -80 AND ( Karma 0 '3-9' OR Maybe 0.7)

Groups must be defined before Happens that use them. A happen block can have multiple WHAT: and WHERE: clauses, but only one WHEN: clause. Inside a happen block, the WHEN: clause should always be the last. Inside each WHERE: clause line, parsing starts with reading group names. After you've switched to included or excluded rooms by using a +/- separator, you can switch back to groups by using a = separator.


Default action names are case insensitive. Actions can receive parameters.

Builtin action list

  • playergrav/playergravity: applies a custom gravity multiplier to players in the room.
    • First parameter sets the multiplier (default 0.5).
    • Example: playergrav 0.3.
  • sound/playsound: Plays a specified sound with a set interval.
    • parameter 1 (required): sound ID.
    • subsequent parameters are received in form of paramname=value. they are as follows:
      • cd/cooldown: delay (frames) between each sound cue. set to negative to make it only play once.
      • vol/volume: volume of the sound. default 1.0.
      • pitch: sound pitch. default 1.0.
    • Example: sound 'HUD_Karma_Reinforce_Bump' 'cd=40' 'pitch=2.0'
  • rumble/screenshake: shakes the screen.
    • parameters are received in form of paramname=value. they are as follows:
      • cd/cooldown: time between shakes (frames). Set to negative to make it not reset.
      • duration: duration of a shake. Set to negative to make it shake forever after being triggered.
      • shake: shake intensity. default 0.5
    • Example: rumble 'cooldown=200' 'duration=100' 'intensity=0' 'shake=0.8'

Trigger conditions

Default trigger names ase case insensitive. Triggers can receive parameters. Trigger conditions are checked every frame.

There is no built-in functionality for triggers that carry data between world loads. The possibility is delegated to custom triggers (see bottom of the document for API doc link).

Builtin trigger list

  • always: Always active. No arguments.
  • untilrain/beforerain: Active until rain starts.
    • Optional parameter sets an additional delay (in frames), which can be negative.
  • afterrain: Active after rain.
    • Optional parameter sets an additional delay (in frames), which can be negative.
  • everyx/every: Active for one frame every X frames. Default delay is 40 (one second);
    • optional parameter sets a custom delay.
  • maybe/chance: Every cycle, this trigger is either active or inactive.
    • First parameter sets the chance (it should be between 0 and 1, default value 0.5).
  • flicker: this trigger turns on and off periodically. receives up to 5 parameters:
    • minimum Active time (frames)
    • maximum Active time (frames)
    • minimum Inactive time (frames)
    • maximum Inactive time (frames)
    • start enabled (1, true or yes to enable)
  • karma: active when a karma requirement is met.
    • receives any number of integer parameters (karma 1 5 9) for individual levels, can also receive ranges in string parameters (karma '1-3')
  • visited/playervisited: each cycle, activates after the player visits one of the rooms provided as parameters and stays on.
    • string parameters contain room names.

Custom behaviours

You can register your own triggers and behaviour from your code mod via Atmo's API. API documentation can be found here.

Thanks to

  • @DryCryCrystal - commissioning the project.
  • @Slime_Cubed - advice and code reviews.