
Apparently nobody can agree on crypto naming conventions, this package aggregates popular exchanges and sites and allows you to easily translate from our spec to other parties conventions.

Primary LanguageHTML


Apparently nobody can agree on crypto naming conventions, this package aggregates popular exchanges and sites and allows you to easily translate from our spec to other parties conventions.


Install me

npm i --save crypto-normalize

Use me

const normalize = require('crypto-normalize')

// Translate symbol
normalize.translate("ETH", "kraken.com") // XETH

// Get image of coin
normalize.image("ETH") // https://shapeshift.io/images/coins/ether.png

// Get all image sizes of coin
normalize.images("ETH") // { large: 'https://shapeshift.io/images/coins/ether.png', small: 'https://shapeshift.io/images/coins-sm/ether.png' }

// Small image of coin
normalize.imageSmall("ETH") // https://shapeshift.io/images/coins/ether.png

// Translate pair
normalize.pair("ETH", "BTC", "kraken.com") // XETHXXBT

// Check for support
normalize.doesSupport("FCT", "kraken.com") // false
normalize.doesSupport("ETH", "kraken.com") // true

// Get coin from glossary
{ name: 'Zcash',
symbol: 'ZEC',
  { large: 'https://shapeshift.io/images/coins/zcash.png',
    small: 'https://shapeshift.io/images/coins-sm/zcash.png' },
  { 'coincap.io': 'ZEC',
    'coinmarketcap.com': 'zcash',
    'kraken.com': 'XZEC',
    'shapeshift.io': 'ZEC' } }