
This is an auto-fishing self bot for the Virtual Fisher Discord bot

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


  • This is a temporary version until the final version of the bot will be released by Joabo
  • This is a discord self-bot (Using this might lead to your discord account getting disabled)
  • This bot does not have a realiable security system, do not over use this.
  • Captcha Bypass will not be added.

✨ Usage

  1. Download Node.js: Click Here
  2. Fork or download this repository
  3. Install Libraries:
npm install
  1. Fill up the config.json
  2. Start the bot

❓ Questions

  1. How do I get the discord user token?

    Toturial: Watch

  2. How do I get channel id?

    Toturial:: Read

This bot might or not might not be supported for long.

I will be moving to the newer project when Joabo releases, as of now we do not have a set date.