
Python Asyncronous Proxy Checker. It's faster than MiProxy. More new features are added to this LVL

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Python Asyncronous Proxy Checker


click here


  • Proxy Scraper
  • IP Generator
  • Proxy Validator
  • Add Port to IP file

New Features Added (LVL-2)

  • Asyncronous HTTP Check
  • Upgrade Tool
  • Clean Cache

Support on

  • Termux
  • Linux
  • Windows

Contact Me

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  • Clone this repository -

    git clone https://github.com/inferiorak/MiProxy2
  • Now go to cloned directory -

    $ cd MiProxy2
    $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
    $ clear
    $ python3 miproxy2.py


root@kali:~$ python3 miproxy.py -h
usage: miproxy2.py [options]

Proxy Tool by InferiorAK

 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 -f [FILE], --file [FILE]
                       Proxy File
 -o [OUTPUT], --output [OUTPUT]
                       Output File
 -p [PORT], --port [PORT]
                       Set Port/Target Port
 --type [http/socks4/socks5]
                       Set Proxy Type
 -t [TIMEOUT], --timeout [TIMEOUT]
                       Set Timeout
 --upgrade             Upgrade Tool
 --clean               Clean pycache
 -v, --version         Print Version

Generate Random IP:
 Usage: python miproxy2.py --generate --count [LOOP_COUNT] -o [out.ext]

 -g, --generate        Generate IP (Mode)
 -c [LOOP_COUNT], --count [LOOP_COUNT]
                       Amount of IP

Scrape Proxies:
 Usage: python miproxy2.py --scrape -api [API_LINK] -o [out.ext]

 -sc, --scrape         Scrape Proxies with API (Mode)
 -api [API_LINK]       Paste your api

Check Proxies:
 Usage: python miproxy2.py --check -f [proxies.txt] --type [http/socks4/socks5] -t [second] -o [out.ext] --all

 --check               Check Proxies (Mode)

Add Port:
 Usage: python miproxy2.py --add -f [ip_file.txt] -p [port] -o [out.ext]

 --add                 Add Port to IP (Mode)