
Welcome to the workshop! The aim is to help you understand how some ideas from traditional functional programming languages (like Haskell) can apply to writing JavaScript and (perhaps most importantly) how you can leverage these techniques to build production ready node.js applications.

While the focus for the workshop is mainly on node.js, a lot of what is covered can be applied to working in the browser too.

Development environment

We're going to be making use of some fairly new language features so to get the most out of the workshop you'll need to have node > v9 (preferably v10), npm 5+ and the latest version of yarn installed. Yarn isn't an absolute necessity but it's what has been used to build out the workshop examples so it may help to be consistent.

Downloading the repo

The source for the workshop is available on github:

git clone git@github.com:anatomic/zero-to-live-fp-js-workshop.git

Things we are going to explore

  1. Writing JavaScript in a functional style using ADTs from the crocks library
  2. Logging
  3. A basic microservice
  4. A more realistic microservice
  5. Process management
  6. Configuration
  7. Metrics
  8. Circuit Breakers
  9. Containerisation with Docker
  10. Deployment

Spoiler Alert

The eagle eyed among you will have spotted that there's quite a bit of code knocking about in this repo and you're correct in thinking these are (potential) ways of solving the problems in the various exercises.

Be honest with yourself, will you get the most out of this workshop if you cheat by looking? To quote Blind Date, the choice... is yours!