
A Zephyr example application for OPTIGA™ Trust M

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OPTIGA™ Trust M Zephyr Application

Sample application to demonstrate the PAL implementation to use the OPTIGA™ Trust M Host Library for C with Zephyr RTOS.

The project also includes workspace configuration for VSCode and a Makefile to build the OPTIGA™ Library together with Zephyr.

Project structure

The project configuration assumes the following directory structure to allow the application to be an independent repository. This allows easier versioning of the application (without forking Zephyr) and a single Zephyr instance to be used by multiple applications.

WARNING This application uses Zephyr as an SDK to run on device. we recommand building the freestanding application with WSL as described below (or with native Linux) to reduce issues with the build system.

Project root
|__ optiga-trust-m-zephyr   (= this repository)
|__ optiga-trust-m          (= OPTIGA™ Trust M Host Library for C)
|   |__ extras/pal
|       |__zephyr           (= Zephyr compatible PAL)
|__ zephyrproject
    |__ .west               (= west build workspace)
    |__ .venv               (= Python virtual environment for build toolchain)


Software Setup

Windows Subsystem for Linux

Install WSL, VS Code and the WSL Extension as described here. Alternatively, the setup can also be performed inside a Virtual Machine or a native Linux installation and a different IDE can be selected. This instruction only covers the usage of WSL and VS Code.


Follow the Zephyr Getting Started Guide to install the development environment in WSL (use the instructions for Ubuntu). It is recommended to add another directory layer when initializing the environment (e.g. ~/ProjectRoot/zephyrproject). This allows cleaner bundling of Zephyr with the OPTIGA™ files.


Flashing and debugging requires access to the hardware from within WSL. Follow the instructions to install and use usbipd.

This tool uses the virtual network adapter, which might be blocked by the firewall, to forward data. Use the following command in PowerShell to disable the firewall for this adapter if the device cannot be found from within WSL:

Set-NetFirewallProfile -DisabledInterfaceAliases "vEthernet (WSL)"

Serial Monitor (optional)

The Serial Monitor plugin is used to connect to the Virtual COM port of the J-Link debugger and display the logger output. It is configured to use the serial ports of the WSL in the workspace configuration, but the permissions need to be changed to allow VS-Code to open the ports:

WSL does not assign the correct group and mode to the serial ports. Add the following to /etc/wsl.conf:


The WSL user needs to be added to the dialout group:

sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER

Close VS-Code and shutdown WSL from PowerShell (wsl --shutdown), it should be possible to open /dev/ttyACMO in the Serial Monitor tab after restarting WSL, VS-Code and attaching the device in usbipd.

Hardware Setup

This example application uses Device Tree Overlays from Zephyr to set the pin configuration of the target boards. The default configuration (app.overlay) works for all target boards supporting the Arduino Connector.

You can connect any one of the OPTIGA™ Trust M Shields (see here for a full list) with either the OPTIGA™ Trust Adapter or the Shield2Go Adapter for Arduino.

It is also possible to connect one of the OPTIGA™ Trust M Shields manually to the Arduino connector using the following Pin Layout:

OPTIGA™ Trust M Pin Arduino Connector

WARNING OPTIGA™ Trust M should not be directly powered from a GPIO of the host MCU, as it might not deliver enough current for stable operation. Connect the 3.3V pin to a stable supply and use the VCC_CTRL pin to switch the power.

OPTIGA Trust M Security Shield2Go

Installing and building Zephyr application

Installation instructions

A script for automated setup of the environment is provided, see the Installation instructions.

Building and Flashing

Activate the environment

The environment needs to be activated every time a new terminal is opened:

optiga-trust-m-zephyr:> source ../zephyrproject/.venv/bin/activate
optiga-trust-m-zephyr:> source ../zephyrproject/zephyr/zephyr-env.sh

The West build tool is used to build the application for a specific board and flash it:

Building for NXP LPCXPRESSO55S69 board

(venv) optiga-trust-m-zephyr:> west build -p -b lpcxpresso55s69_cpu0

Building for Infineon XMC4700 board

(venv) optiga-trust-m-zephyr:> west build -p -b xmc47_relax_kit

Flashing the board

(venv) optiga-trust-m-zephyr:> west flash

Code analysis

Many tools for static code analysis can be used with a compilation database (compile_commands.json), which is generated by building the project with Clang:

west build -p -b native_sim -- -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON
clang-tidy -p build/compile_commands.json --config-file=.clang-tidy ../optiga-trust-m/pal/zephyr/*.c src/main.c
clang-format -style=file -i ../optiga-trust-m/pal/zephyr/*.c src/main.c

Board specific setup

Porting/Custom Device Tree Overlay

If the target platform does not provide the Arduino connector (or a different pin configuration is required), custom Device Tree Overlays can be provided in the boards directory. The build system will select the board-specific overlay file instead of the default overlay.

if the board used is not available under boards directory. we recommand the steps below :

1- Check if the board is supported by Zephyr supported devices.

2- Look for the ".dts"´file of your board under Zephyr/boards/<board_provider>/<board_name>/<file>.dts

3- The file includes the devicetree configuration.

For more information, please refer to the official documentation on devicetree.

SEGGER JLink Tools

Most evaluation boards include a JLink debugger hardware. Download and install the JLink Tools in WSL.

Update debug probe (for NXP LPCXPRESSO55S69 board)

The on-board debugger of the LPC board does not provide all features out-of-the-box, the firmware needs to be updated to enable them.

  • Download and install LPCScrypt on Windows
  • Set the DFU jumper on the LPC board and connect the Debug Link USB to the computer
  • Run the program_JLINK.cmd script, disconnect the board and remove the DFU jumper