
This project provides custom Django migration operations for taking advantage of PostgreSQL-specific features. It supports Django 1.7 and later.


The custom migration operations can be used by creating an empty migration and then filling the operations list. For example:

from django.db import migrations
from infi.django_postgresql_migrations.operations import CreateCompactIndex

class Migration(migrations.Migration):

    dependencies = [
        ('sample_app', '0001_initial'),

    operations = [
        CreateCompactIndex('SampleModel', 'sample_field'),


An operation that creates a BTree GIN index. This kind of index is useful when the column contains many repeating values, since it results in a much smaller index size relative to a regular BTree index.

The constructor expects the model name, the field name, and an optional index name.

CreateCompactIndex('SampleModel', 'sample_field')

It is possible to create a partial index by supplying a WHERE clause:

CreateCompactIndex('SampleModel', 'sample_field', where='sample_field IS NOT NULL')


An operation that creates a trigram index. This kind of index is useful for substring matching and fuzzy searches.

The constructor expects the model name, the field name, and an optional index name.

CreateTrigramIndex('SampleModel', 'sample_field')

It is possible to create a partial index by supplying a WHERE clause:

CreateTrigramIndex('SampleModel', 'sample_field', where='sample_field IS NOT NULL')


An operation that sets the statistics target on a column. This controls how much information about the column's values will be available for the query planner.

The constructor expects the model name, the field name, and an optional statistics target (defaults to 1000).

SetStatistics('SampleModel', 'sample_field', target=500)

Building the Project

Run the following commands:

easy_install -U infi.projector
projector devenv build --use-isolated-python

To run the tests use:

easy_install -U supportal.fabric_contrib

    fab -f src/tests/sample_project/fabfile.py -H localhost osx
    fab -f src/tests/sample_project/fabfile.py -H localhost ubuntu

bin/python src/tests/sample_project/manage.py test tests.sample_project