What is it?

  • A simple non-preemptive kernel written in C for an OS course, alongside a sample user program that will get loaded and executed by the OS.

How to compile

  • Running the make command should do the trick
  • Consult Makefile for more details

How to run

make boot would do that


  • -fno-pie has been added to the gcc compiler command because without it, it reports a kernel.c:(.text+0x10): undefined reference to '_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_' error

Best regards, Name | ID

Biruk Solomon | ATR/5471/11 Natneam Mesele | ATR/9672/11

Modifications made on original documents

  • Loaded extra sectors from disk (Doesn't load all of the user ELF otherwise)
  • we haven't used any assembly(TSL) to implement the sync( mutex and semaphore)
    • Since the kernel is a non preemptive one, we know for sure that the mutex implementations are atomic which is what the document requires
  • We increased the size of the kernel from 5kb to around 10kb in the os-image, because when we didn't the kernel was hard faulting