What is this?

Well I got bored yesterday and I decided to try out the Rust By Example Book to Learn Rust. main.rs is the current rust project or book chapter I'm working on, and I (read:new_file.exe) move them to an appropriately named file once done.

Thoughts so far

  • (2024-04-13, 18:38pm): Seems um different but interesting, and it's making me think about memory allocation much more than Python would.
  • (2024-04-13, 19:44pm): I have a lot of trouble with the borrowing etc of variables, I kinda get tripped up by it often, for example the get function in what is soon to be linked_list.rs that i rewrote threw an error when i used match but not when i used if...else. I remember having some issues like this learning python (objects and classes), so hopefully this irons out later like those did.
  • (2024-04-13, 21:16pm): Just created the new_file.exe program (based on new_file.rs) to copy all the content from main.rs (where I work on them) to their permanent home in the other files
  • (2024-04-14, 09:40PM): Done with the timestamp utility


  • tuples.rs: An intro to Tuples and Tuple structs
  • structs_n_enums.rs: the first project i worked on, my first foray into Rust types
  • linked_lists.rs: An implementation of the Linked List data structure using Rust's enum
  • new_file.py: A python file that copies all the content from main.rs (where I work on rust files) to their permanent home in the other files
  • new_file.rs: Same thing as the python one but in Rust
  • timestamp.rs: A timestamp utility to get the current time and date in this format: (2024-04-13, 18:38pm) so I can paste into the Thoughts So Far section