
A custom map tour documenting two American siblings' 20-day trip across Iran in summer 2015

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Map Tour

A storytelling template combining an interactive map, a photo and text panel, and a thumbnail carousel.

This is a new version of the popular map tour template that has been rewritten to provide a better experience on smartphone, see what's new.

The template is now available in two versions:

  • An hosted version in ArcGIS Online that provide an interactive builder tool
  • A downloadable version that you can deploy on your web server and enhance to fit your needs

To use this template on ArcGIS Online you need to be a member of an Organization and have Publisher or Administrator access. The template can be accessed from the ArcGIS Online's map viewer Share dialog.

View it live | Features | [User Download (production application, doesn't include source code)](https://github.com/Esri/map-tour-storytelling-template-js/raw/master/map-tour/Storytelling-MapTour-1 0.zip) | Developer Download (source code)


How to configure and deploy a Map Tour

Download the [User Download archive](https://github.com/Esri/map-tour-storytelling-template-js/raw/master/map-tour/Storytelling-MapTour-1 0.zip), it contains the following files:

File Contains
app/ Optimized source code and configuration files (maptour-config.js)
resources/ Resources (markers, icons, translation)
samples/ Sample data layer to create your webmap
index.html Application html file (to be edited with web map id)
Readme.pdf Detailed readme guide

A typical Map Tour configuration involves the following steps:

  • Create a web map that fits your need (basemap, eventual additional context layers like the path of your tour, etc.)
  • Import your data:
    • Your data can be stored in Feature Layer, CSV, Shapefile or Map Service, see samples for ready to use layer
    • Mandatory attributes for each feature are: name, description, picture and thumbnail URL
    • Feature can also have an optional color, otherwise the default is red. 4 icons set are provided: red/blue/green and purple (the respective expected data values are r, b, g, p)
  • Center the web map to the initial extent you want for the tour
  • Save and share the web map publicly
  • Open index.html with a text file editor
  • Locate the configuration section at the beginning of the file
  • Edit the line webmap:"" to include your web map id between the quotes
  • Optionally remove samples folder and Readme.pdf
  • Copy files to your web server root or in a specific folder

For detailed instructions and recommendations, please refer to the Readme document.


We would love to hear from you!


Find a bug or want to request a new feature? Please let us know by submitting an issue.


Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute.


Is the template compatible with previous version?

Yes, web map designed for the previous version should continue to work without any modification. Customization and enhancement of the application will require code changes, most of them should be easy to translate into the new application.

What's new?

Map Tour 1.0.1 released on 13/04/26

  • Responsive web design that offer a new user experience on Smartphone
  • Localized in 20 languages: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, French, English, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish and Swedish.
  • Support of Feature Service
  • New layout option: picture float on the right of the map
  • The thumbnail carousel is more interactive (support touch on tablet device, support scrolling on desktop)

Which web map layer will be used?

The application will use the web map upper visible point feature layer.

Eligible feature layer are:

  • Feature service with two attachments per feature (main picture has first attachment, thumbnail as the second)
  • Feature layer without attachments
  • Web map embedded data: CSV, Shapefile
  • Map service: specific layer only (e.g. MyService/MapServer/0)

If that doesn't match your web map structure, look for the configuration property named sourceLayerTitle in index.html and set it to the title of your web map layer.

How should my fields be named?

Here is the valid option for each field:

Data Valid names (case insensitive)
Name name, title, name-short, name-long
description caption, description, snippet, comment
Picture (optional for Feature service with attachments) pic_url, pic, picture, url
Thumbnail (optional for Feature service with attachments) thumb_url, thumb, thumbnail
Color (optional) icon_color, color, style

If that doesn't match your data, you can change that configuration in app/maptour-config.js

What are the configuration settings?

Configuration happens in two files:

  • index.html
  • Web map id
  • Application layout
  • Use the first data record as an introduction slide
  • Header title/subtitle (webmap title/subtitle used by default)
  • Force webmap layer to be used
  • Optional zoom level to be applied for the story points following introduction
  • Bing map key
  • Proxy URL
  • Portal URL
  • Geometry service URL
  • app/maptour-config.js
  • Header, picture panel and carousel colors
  • Header logo image and link
  • Header "A story map" title and link
  • Marker sets
  • Data fields name

Can I enhance the application?

Yes, most of the look and feel customization can be done using the user download and including the css/html override directly into index.html. We know that this can be hard, so here are some examples of customization:

If you want to change the behavior of one functionality or want to add new one, you will need to read the developer guide below.

Developer guide

This developer guide is intended to developer that wants to modify behavior or add new functionalities to the Map Tour application. If you only need to customize look and feel of the Map Tour, you should be able to do so using the User download. It requires basic knowledge of HTML, Javascript and CSS languages.

Developer archive

Download and unzip the Developer download or clone the repo.

File Contains
MapTour/ Map Tour source folder
MapTour/src/ The application source code
MapTour/deploy/ The ready to be deployed Map Tour application
MapTour/tools/ Developer tools to build deploy/ from src/
samples/ Sample data layer to create your webmap
Storytelling-MapTour-1 0.zip User download archive
Readme.pdf The detailed readme guide
Readme.md This document
map-tour-storytelling-template-js.png The application screenshot
license.txt The application license


To build a production version of the application from the source code, you need:

The build script use RequireJS to optimize the application Javascript and Google Closure Compiler and YUI Compressor for external dependencies. The script will be ported to a full node.js later on.


Map Tour relies on AMD and Dojo loader AMD for application structure.

The application is structured as this:

Path Contains
app Package structured Javascript and CSS source code
app/maptour-config.js Configuration file (loaded at execution time)
app/storymaps/maptour/core/ Core modules (main module is Core.js)
app/storymaps/maptour/ui/ UI components grouped by target device
app/storymaps/maptour/builder/ UI components of the builder mode
app/storymaps/maptour/BuildConfig.js Require.js build configuration file
app/storymaps/ui/ UI components not specific to the application
app/storymaps/utils/ Utility modules not specific to the application
lib/ External dependencies
resources/nls/ Externalized text strings of the application
resources/markers/ The 4 colors set of map marker
resources/icons/ Icons

The main dependencies are:

How to use the application from the source code

  • Make accessible the src folder to your web server
  • Edit index.html to the web map you want to use

How to build application from the source code

  • Open a terminal and navigate to the tools folder

  • Run the following command:


The deploy folder now contains the built application that you can deploy to your web server.


Copyright 2012 Esri

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

A copy of the license is available in the repository's license.txt file.

[](Esri Tags: Storytelling MapTour ArcGIS-Online Template Map Tour Picture) [](Esri Language: JavaScript)