A tool to match 'user:hash' files to 'hash:pass' files, creating a 'user:pass' file.
Imagine you have a long list of users and their hashes, and a hashcat potfile of craked hashes. Now you can create yourself a nice file consisting of only users with their cracked passwords.
Note that this thing is extremely poorly written and slow AF. Not multithreading or all those other shiny things.
The scripts is expecting a 'user:hash' and 'hash:pass' as -uh and -hp arguments. Optionally you can set a name for a resulting 'user:pass' file as -up argument:
-uh or --userhash is a path to 'user:hash' file (i.e. /root/userhash.txt)
-hp or --hashpass is a path to 'hash:pass' file (i.e. /root/hashpass.txt)
-up or --userpass is a path to 'user:pass' file (i.e. /root/userpass.txt)