An opinioned frontend framework, just for fun.
😢 Have you ever encountered such scene? When you just want to highlight a word when it is selected, you have to write like:
// inline style
<p style={[styles.defaultText, shouldHighlight && { color: 'red' }]}>...</p>
// or with classnames lib and css
<p style={classnames({"default-text": true, "hightlight-text": shouldHighlight})}>...</p>
😄 But when you use hamburger, you only need to tell computer what to do, and the library will do all rest things for you.
🦉 Most importantly, this lib is more like a helper. You can use it easily in your existing React
project, it works fine with JSX Component
and React libraries such as Redux
git clone
cd hamburger
pnpm i
pnpm build
cd examples
# choose any template you are interested with
* The most important thing, content, is always put in the very first place.
function Main() {
return VStack(
Text('Declarative UI').color('skyblue').size(64).bold(),
Text('Super Easy').color('pink').size(48),
Text('made by').margin({ right: 4 }),
// variable start with "fake" will turn into mock data by the platform
HStack { @padding=3 @margin.vertical=3 @size.width=550px @shadow @border.radius=10px
Image(imgLink) @theme=thumbnail @size.width=300px @margin.right=3
VStack {
Text(name) @margin.right=3 @margin.bottom=0 @theme=h3
Link(fakeEmail) @bold @margin.bottom=3
Button("Follow") @theme=primary
function Counter(data) {
return VStack(
Button('add').onClick(() => data.count++) // just change the data
function AnotherConsumer(data) {
return VStack(
function root() {
const withCount = listen({ count: 10 });
return VStack(
Text("all subscriber will automatically update when data changes"),
export default root;
// generate static web with declarative API
import staticWebManager from '@hamburger/static';
import About from './views/About';
import Home from './views/Home';
import Detail from './views/Detail';
{ path: '', view: Home() },
{ path: 'about', view: About() },
{ path: 'detail', view: Detail() }],
.template('./public/index.html', 'root')
export default function Main() {
return Layout('top-aside-main-bottom') // or top-main-bottom, top-main, top-aside-main, etc...
// in index.js
hamburger.setPlatform(ReactPlatform).mount(App, "root")
// in Counter.jsx
function Counter() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0); // React hooks available if you have setUp react and reactdom
count [username, setUsername] = useState("");
return HStack(
<button onClick={() => setCount(count - 1)}>minus</button>,
<button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>add</button>
// in your component, the theme api will automatically generate bootstrap className for you.
const form = VStack(
Button('primary button').theme('primary'),
hamburger.js has it's own dom engine, it is designed for static website, simple and take less space. Also, you can use hamburger to generate static html files with command line tools.
hamburger.js was designed for everyone, even you are not quite familiar with HTML/CSS/JS.
If you want to use this lib, but you don't want to read the doc.
- open you IDE and download the plugin.
- write a function like it was in React.
- Type
, see all available components. - Type
after the component, see everything you can do.
version 0.0.1
- Base Class (View, Text)
- TypeScript support
- simple todo mvc
- Review & Test
- More Classes (Image...)
- test input binding like v-model
- Layout Class
- use custom theme config
- new APIs (
.shadow("small", { on: "hover" })
) () - Review
version 0.0.2
- DSL support
- Reactive mode
- VSCode plugin, type
, and auto suggest all available components - compatible with popular UI Library
- performance test
This project was mostly inspired by Swift UI
. Although I am not familiar with Swift, I think this programming style is really cool!
Since I am still a beginner and a student in frontend society, any guidance is really precious to me.
if you have any opinion or suggestion, give me an issue!