General info

Use the existing codebase any way you like, but do try to complete the following assignments. Commit your solution and send it the same way you got it. We will use it as a kick-off point for our interview and discuss architecture decisions, code performance and solution approaches.

It would be appreciated in the real world, but you can skip writing documentation. On the other hand, tests are very much appreciated, and it would be hard to persuade us that the code works otherwise.

Running project

This project is a simplified app, that runs in CLI mode.

If you are running PHP 8.1 and composer locally, you can do the composer install from the app folder and then do vendor/bin/phpunit for running tests and bin/app parse for running the parser command.

If you prefer running things in Docker, we have provided a docker-compose.yml file, as well as Makefile for shorthand methods.


One test is failing

Run the test suite and fix the problem

Implement factory for Flights

Given the following JSON structure, can you implement a factory for App\Domain\Flight objects?

  "registration": "OO-AAC",
  "from": "STN",
  "to": "BER",
  "scheduled_start": "2021-12-17T10:00:00+00:00",
  "scheduled_end": "2021-12-17T11:30:00+00:00",
  "actual_start": "2021-12-17T10:12:00+00:00",
  "actual_end": "2021-12-17T11:33:00+00:00"

Analyze dataset

Given the var/input.jsonl dataset, can you write the code that does analysis and gives us the following answers:

  1. Which were the three longest flights, by their actual duration?
  2. Which Airline missed most of their scheduled landings? (for the sake of example, we'll use > 5 minutes between scheduled_end and actual_end as threshold for marking landing as missed. The example in the JSON structure above should be marked as on time, if the actual_end was 2023-12-17T11:36:00+00:00 then we should mark it as missed)
  3. Which destination (value of the airport code in field to) had most overnight stays? (for the sake of example, we'll assume that landing before midnight and taking of after midnight counts as overnight stay).

You can run the analyzer via App\Infrastructure\ParseCommand.

Bonus points

You can write the answers for bonus points here, in the file.

  1. Can you name all the countries where Airplanes from our example are registered?
  2. If you had to spell your country code over the radio, how would you do it?