Wireless, actionless lightning control.

Lightning Control

This devices (2 bluetooth BLE dev.) are able to control lightning system in room. Project contain soft for 2 bluetooth devices which working with morion sensor -> both of them have own sensor. Client and Server topology,

  • Server -> peripheral with sensor,
  • Client -> central actuator.

Why actionless?

The light is conntroled only by BLE devices, there is no switches, neither lamps aren't controlled manualy. Every noticed triger will activate relevant function (eg Lights ON).

Decision time

The most sensitive point of the system is the decision time, when client makes decision regard of light switching -> there is most faults probably.

Client decison

Client keep all decison about light switching.

LOOP TASK____________________________________ |ACTION ! | check my state: | _MotionDetected | _NoMotion | _TimeCountingAfterMotion | So there are three different states, each of them have own origin. | _MotionDetected - state after detection motion in specific area. | _NoMotion - state with no different in watched field. | _TimeCountingAfterMotion - which occurs after motion detected. | | check my server notification: | There are the same three state | _MotionDetected | _NoMotion | _TimeCountingAfterMotion | but refer to otcher device's (server exaclly) state.


Motor Control

Wireless DC motor control.

Getting Started

Project involve DC motor control via Bluetooth 4.2, it contains BLE GATT Server - broadcast station and BLE GATT Client - motor control unit. This repository include software for BLE modules. Project consist of following parts:

  • Broadcast Station - which include ESP 32 (BLE Client - central).
  • Motor Control Unit (MtCU) - which include ESP 32 (BLE Server - peripheral).

How it works

System initialization

Configuration whole system, no connection yet.


Start scanning for the BLE devices, blinking LEDs.

Scanning result

In this case, we have 2 options:

  • All devices connected - 2 BLE servers are connected;
  • Timeout - if Client will not find the servers after 30s from system inicialization -> delay, soft reset.

Let's play

If All devices are connected -> connected status on LEDs.

The central unit (BLE Client) reacts to notifications from the BLE Server. We have 4 options :

  • Start - BLE Server send start request -> MtCU accelerates the motor in 20s period.
  • Stop - BLE Client send stop request -> MtCU breaking the motor in 15s period.
  • Immediate stop - BLE Client send immediate request -> MtCU break the motor.
  • Speed control - BLE Client sending notifications regarding motor speed.

If BLE connection between BLE devices will break down, the motor will be stopped.

Project diagram


Project based on FreeRT Operation System write in C. The code combines own ideas and espressif support.


ESP 32

Wifi/Bluetooth module based on Xtensa® single-/dual-core 32-bit microprocessor. In this case used ESP32-DevKitC.

ESP32 can perform as a complete standalone system or as a slave device to a host MCU, reducing communication stack overhead on the main application processor. ESP32 can interface with other systems to provide Wi-Fi and Bluetooth functionality through its SPI / SDIO or I2C / UART interfaces.

-note from Espressif site.