E2EDNA - Tinker Implementation

Michael Kilgour, Tao Liu, Lena Simine mjakilgour gmail com


  • Get the repository
git clone git@github.com:InfluenceFunctional/e2edna.git WHAT_YOU_WANT_IT_TO_BE_CALLED
  • Setup python environment with the following packages
  • Install appropriate MacroMoleculeBuilder for your system from SimTK here - old and new versions have been tested and seem to work
  • Install Tinker from here or here. Tinker9 with GPU support is recommended, but somewhat more involved to install. Tinker8 binaries can be easily downloaded.
  • Create working directory where runs will take place
  • Set paths in main.py. Note, there is a toggle for running on a 'local' machine vs 'cluster', with distinct paths.
* params['minimize', 'dynamic', 'pdbxyz', 'xyzedit', 'archive'] --> all set to the Tinker executables on your system
* params['mmb'] --> set to the MacroMoleculeBuilder executable on your system
* params['workdir'] --> the working directory created in the previous step
* params['analyte xyz'] --> path to the analyte structure in tinker .xyz format
* various .key files --> parameters may be specific to your analyte if custom force-field parameters are required. Adjust keyfiles accordingly, leaving the keywords on top as-is.


Before running a job, ensure installation, analyte parameterization and simulation parameters have been set.

  1. Set 'run num' in main.py to zero for a fresh run, which will create a new run directory in your workdir. If you want to pick-up on a previous run, put its number here.

    • Using argparse, one can directly set this via command line from a submission script rather than editing main.py itself.
  2. Set simulation parameters in main.py, and select the mode to run in as params['simulation type']. 'free aptamer' runs the aptamer by itself, 'binding' runs a representative structure of the aptamer complexed with the analyte, and 'analysis' redoes reaction coordinate analysis given pre-existing trajectories.

  3. Set the DNA sequence as a FASTA string to the 'sequence' variable at the bottom of main.py.

  4. Run the code, e.g., for run_num = 0

    python main.py --run_num=0

    Inputs and outputs will go to /workdir/run0. In this directory, /outfiles contains outputs for debugging the various processes within the script.

    In general, one would run first a 'free aptamer' simulation to retrieve a representaitive 3D structure and confirm the secondary structure stability. Then, one would change the operating mode to 'binding' to assess aptamer-analyte binding.

  5. Simulation parameters and outputs including energy traces are saved to 'e2ednaOutputs.npy', which can be reloaded as

    • outputs = np.load('e2ednaOutputs.npy',allow_pickle=True).item()