
Single-guild discord-bot to give roles to a member accepting your servers rules. Also sending a neat little welcome message to the user.

Primary LanguagePython

This bot is deprecated and will not receive updates.
Our new welcome-dialogue using didscord.py V2 and buttons can be found: here.

A simple verification bot for discord

Single-guild discord-bot to give roles to a member accepting your servers rules.
Also sending a neat little welcome message to the user.

The bot also runs a task all five minutes to ensure that no member is missed due to potential downtime or other errors.
It's possible to ignore members that joined before a specific date if the system shall not apply to older members.


pip install -r requirements.txt
export TOKEN="your-key"
python3 main.py

env variables

parameter description
export ROLES="760434164146634752 880220270210740235" Roles to give after verification, separated by a space
export GUILD="760421261649248296" Guild the bot shall be set up for
export START_CHANNEL="877208002762002465" Channel the bot mentions in welcome message
export PREFIX="b!" Command prefix
export CHECK_PERIOD="5" Time between two checks for missed members
export NOT_BEFORE="25.08.2021" Members joined before that date won't be captured by verification check task
export VERSION="unknown" Version the bot is running
export OWNER_NAME="unknwon" Name of the bot owner
export OWNER_ID="100000000000000000" ID of the bot owner

Values GUILD, START_CHANNEL and ROLES need to be changed in order to make the bot run on your server! Those default is only usable for our own discord.
The shown values are the default values that will be loaded if nothing else is specified.
Please note that the welcome message is in german, you can update it in src/verification_listsner.py/ get_welcome_text().