
Special report on the destruction of 44 thousand square miles of forests in the largest mining project in Venezuela

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Digging into the Mining Arc

by Bram Ebus

The destruction of 44 thousand square miles of forests in the largest mining project in Venezuela



  • node v10.1.x
  • npm v5.6.x

Build and start server

Install dependencies:

$ npm install

Create dist folder and compile project

$ npm run predeploy

Access http://localhost:3002/

Watch files

$ npm run watch

Deploy app to GITHUB PAGES

$ npm run deploy

OBS: open src/CNAME and change domain if needed


Install environment and dependencies

$ docker-compose build --no-cache

Starting docker

$ docker-compose up

Create public folder and compile project (in docker bash)

docker$ npm run predeploy

Access http://localhost:3002/

Deploy app to GITHUB PAGES

docker$ npm run deploy


  • If you use 2FA (2 factor authentication) on git hub, follow these steps.

  • When using docker you can use watch for save and auto compile files when developing. For this you have to copy dist and node_modules from docker to host and uncomment volumes in docker-compose.yml file. The steps are:

  1. Copy dist and node_modules from docker to host (when docker-compose is up and running using bash from host) $ docker cp $(docker-compose ps -q app):/usr/src/app/node_modules . $ docker cp $(docker-compose ps -q app):/usr/src/app/yarn.lock . $ docker cp $(docker-compose ps -q app):/usr/src/app/public .

  2. Uncomment dist and node_modules folder from .dockerignore file

  3. Uncomment Volumes from docker-compose.yml

  4. docker-compose down

  5. docker-compose up

  6. Inside docker bash: docker-compose exec app bash

docker$ npm run watch


rafgraph for the 404.html redirect (rewrite rule for github pages). It works!
Natalie Cardot how to easily Deploy a Create React App Project to GitHub Pages.
Ginny Fahs how to authenticate on github with 2FA.
Paulo Campos at Studio Cubo Web for converting this site into github pages host