Simple TCP server

  • server provides queue functionality to clients
  • one queue per client connection - the queue is created when a client connects and is destroyed when the client disconnects
  • the server should be able to handle multiple simultaneous client connections
  • communication protocol:
    • line based
    • lines start with the command (in or out), the "in" command is followed by the payload
    • the server returns results one per line
  • package the server as an OTP app and use OTP behaviours and supervision structure

Build & Run

rebar3 is required to run things. Verified on Erlang/OTP 21

$ make compile-all
$ make run

TCP server should be started on port 5555


ranch was used to handle TCP server calls and "queue" protocol

Unit Tests

To run unit test run

$ make eunit

Known Issues

  • App parameters like port or connections timeout are hardcoded.
  • Fix dialyzer warnings