

What2Log is a consensus driven, community project run and financed by InfoSec Innovations. The goal of the project is to collect information on how to set up logging on various platforms, all in one convenient place: https://what2log.com/.

For website performance (and security reasons), we use the Nuxt Content module to transform TOML files into static HTML pages. We push updates as different versions and we are currently in version 3, better known as version Ash. This was created on February 20, 2022.

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We love and welcome contributions to What2Log. This project would not be where it is today without the contributions from the community.

Contributions to our logs, tools, and supported OSs are what make this site a better resource for everyone. All of our current content is found in the content directory and closely mirrors the routes present on the website. So, for example, if you want to add a new log page, create your file in content/en/logs (right now, we only have contetnt in English. But if you'd like to contribute to other languages, please let us know!). The file should be a .toml file that follows the TOML 1.0.0 spec. Please follow the templates provided in the templates directory to get started creating your own pages. Place any images used by your page in static/images and into their own folder for each relevant log or tool. The path you specify for images will be relative to this directory.

Check out some of our current logs to see how we format and cover things like the Log Pile, compliance, and general layout.

We have provided an easy path for you to test your TOML files. You can run your own development instance of What2Log. For info on how to setup your own dev server please see below.

If you are new to using TOML, Visual Studio code has a "Even Better TOML" extension and supports the TOML 1.0.0 spec and it will highlight any errors for you.

Once you're happy with your work, submit a GitHub Pull Request, and we will review. If needed, we will make suggestions on any changes. Please pay careful attention to formatting and following the template specification.

Build Setup

Requires Node.js 12 or later.

# install dependencies
$ npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev

# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm run start

# generate static project
$ npm run generate

For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Nuxt.js docs.

To output the files from the generate command to a different directory, create a file called w2lconfig.json in the project root directory and use the dir property.

  "dir": "C:/some/test/dir"

Planned features

  • Select scripts based on compliance frameworks
  • Non-English content