
A Role to Compose (configure) an AWX server

Primary LanguageHTMLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Ansible Role - informaticsmatters.awx_composer


GitHub release (latest by date) Ansible Role


A Role to Compose (configure) an AWX server from a tower variable map that you provide.


To use this role from your control machine, which runs tasks on you control machine to interact with an AWX server using the tower-cli and localhost, you will need: -

  • ansible (ideally v2.9.6 or later)
  • jmespath (ideally v0.10.0 or later)
  • ansible-tower-cli (ideally v3.3.9 or later)
  • The awx.awx Ansible Galaxy collection (v11.2.0 or later)

And a tower variable map that defines your desired AWX configuration.

Additionally, at the moment, you MUST provide AWS credentials (typically allowing AWS S3 bucket access to plays that operate with S3) and Kubernetes credentials. You will need to set the following environment variables prior to running Ansible: -

  • K8S_AUTH_HOST (i.e.
  • K8S_AUTH_API_KEY (i.e. kubeconfig-user-xvgfv.a-abcde:0000000000000)
  • K8S_AUTH_VERIFY_SSL (i.e. no)

...and in response the following custom credentials will be created on the AWX server: -

  • aws (SELF)
  • k8s (SELF)

If you do not want the aws (SELF) credential do not define AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID. If you do not want the k8s (SELF) credential do not define K8S_AUTH_HOST.

Role Variables

The role is controlled the tower variable, a map of material to be loaded: -

  host: <string> (e.g. 'https://awx.example.com')
  admin_username: <string>
  admin_password: <string>
  organisation: <string>
  teams: [<string>]
  labels: [<string>]
  inventories: [<Inventory>]
  notifications: [<Notification>]
  users: [<User>]
  credentials: [<Credential>]
  projects: [<Project>]
  job_templates: [<JobTemplate>]

Where Inventory is: -

name: <string>
hosts: [<Host>]

...and Host is: -

name: <string>
groups: [<string>]    

...and Notification is: -

<kind-specific fields>

...and User is: -

first_name: <string>
last_name: <string>
username: <string>
password: <string>
email: <string>
superuser: <bool>
teams: [<string>]

...and Credential is: -

<kind-specific fields>

...and Project is: -

name: <string>
description: <string>
scm_type: <string>
scm_url: <string>
scm_branch: <string>
teams: [<string>]

And JobTemplate is: -

name: <string>
project: <string>
playbook: <string>
ask_extra_vars: <bool>
extra_vars: <string>
credentials: [<string>]
inventory: [<string>]
teams: [<string>]
labels: [<string>]


You will need: -

  • ansible
  • jmespath
  • ansible-tower-cli
  • The awx.awx Ansible Galaxy collection

Example Playbook

You don't need a playbook, you just need a set of parameters - a configuration (i.e. a tower map in a YAML file). If your configuration is defined in config.yaml then you can configure your AWX server with the following command: -

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yaml

$ ansible localhost \
    -m include_role -a name=informaticsmatters.awx_composer \
    -e @config.yaml


Apache 2.0 License

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