
An Ansible Role to configure the infrastructure database

Primary LanguageHTMLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Ansible Role - informaticsmatters.infrastructure_data


GitHub release (latest by date) Ansible Role


A Kubernetes-based Role for the configuration of a pre-deployed infrastructure. This role provides actions to add, remove and alter PostgreSQL databases in the infrastructure deployment. cluster.


  • Kubernetes

Role Variables

# An infrastructure configuration action (an action on the database).
# One of: -
# - 'create' To create a database and owner
# - 'delete' To delete a database and owner
# - 'alter' To alter a database owners's password
# The infrastructure must be deployed before this role is executed.
# The user must also have a destination namespace, where secrets
# will be deployed by this role.
id_action: create

# The namespace of the deployed infrastructure,
# where the database can be expected to be found, along with
# its secrets.
# (required for all actions)
id_infra_namespace: ''

# Variables to control the chosen action: -
# The database name
# (required for all actions)
id_db: ''

# The user's namespace and service account
# (required for 'create' and 'alter')
# A secret called 'database-secrets-<id_db>' will be deposited
# in the user's namespace and it will contain the following fields: -
# - database_name
# - database_user
# - database_user_password
id_db_user_namespace: ''

# The user's namespace service account
# (required for all actions)
# The config Jobs run in the user's namespace with this service account.
id_db_user_namespace_sa: ''

# The database user (owner)
# (required for 'create' and 'alter')
# Randomly generated if not defined
id_db_user: "{{ lookup('password', '/dev/null length=8 chars=ascii_letters') }}"

# The database user password
# (required for 'create' and 'alter')
# Randomly generated if not defined
id_db_user_password: "{{ lookup('password', '/dev/null length=12 chars=ascii_letters,digits') }}"

# On removal the secrets (in the user namespace)
# are normally expected to exist. If they do not
# (i.e. you've deleted them by accident) then
# set the following to 'no' to skip the built-in assertion.
id_check_user_secrets_on_delete: yes


  • (none)

Example Playbook

NOTE The example below assumes that you have a running Kubernetes cluster.

- hosts: servers
  - include_role:
      name: informaticsmatters.infrastructure_data
      id_action: create
      id_db: blob
      id_db_user: alan
      id_db_user_password: blob1234
      id_db_user_namespace: example
      id_db_user_namespace_sa: blob
      id_infra_namespace: im-infra


Apache 2.0 License

Author Information
