
CDK jobs

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


CDK jobs repository contains Java code running molecular property predictions using the Chemistry Development Kit. These are made available as a "tool", typically represented as a Java class. Those tools become available as:

  • a command line application
  • a command line application running in a Docker container
  • a Squonk2 job that runs using the Docker container

For more details on Squonk2 jobs look at our main virtual-screening repo that contains more documentation and examples.

We anticipate a wider range of functions being incoporated as additional tools in the futures. Suggestions and contributions are welcome.

One purpose of this repo is as a prototype for creating Squonk2 jobs using Java (most current ones are Python based).

This repo illustrates:


To run a tool through gradle:

$ ./gradlew run --args="--all -i ../data/dhfr_3d.sdf -o foo.sdf"

> Task :app:run
2022-04-06T09:05:19+00:00 # INFO -EVENT- squonk.jobs.cdk.DescriptorsExec --all -i ../data/dhfr_3d.sdf -o foo.sdf
2022-04-06T09:05:19+00:00 # INFO -EVENT- Calculating 10 descriptors
2022-04-06T09:05:22+00:00 # INFO -EVENT- Processed 756 molecules, 0 errors.
2022-04-06T09:05:22+00:00 # INFO -COST- 7560.0 1


This runs the default class which reads a SDF, calculates all properties and writes out a new SDF with those calculations as additional properties. See the build.gradle application task for more details. Note that this is effectively executed from the app directory, hence the path to the test SDF.

Build the docker container image:

$ ./gradlew dockerBuildImage

Builds an image named informaticsmatters/squonk2-cdk:latest.

Running the docker container:

$ docker run -it -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD -u 1000:1000 informaticsmatters/squonk2-cdk:latest java squonk.jobs.cdk.DescriptorsExec --all -i data/dhfr_3d.sdf -o foo.sdf
2022-04-06T09:14:40+00:00 # INFO -EVENT- squonk.jobs.cdk.DescriptorsExec --all -i data/dhfr_3d.sdf -o foo.sdf
2022-04-06T09:14:40+00:00 # INFO -EVENT- Calculating 10 descriptors
2022-04-06T09:14:44+00:00 # INFO -EVENT- Processed 756 molecules, 0 errors.
2022-04-06T09:14:44+00:00 # INFO -COST- 7560.0 1