
A Python module to simplify creating GitHub repository dispatch events and payloads

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


GitHub tag (latest SemVer)

A Python module to simplify creating GitHub repository dispatch events and payloads. Used by some of our GitLab repos to trigger builds in GitHub.

To use in GitLab CI:

  # The origin of the trigger code
  TRIGGER_ORIGIN: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/informaticsmatters/trigger-repository-dispatch/2021.3

  stage: trigger
  image: python:3.9.5-slim
  - apt-get -y update
  - apt-get -y install curl
  - curl --location --retry 3 ${TRIGGER_ORIGIN}/requirements.txt --output trigger-repository-dispatch-requirements.txt
  - curl --location --retry 3 ${TRIGGER_ORIGIN}/trigger-repository-dispatch.py --output trigger-repository-dispatch.py
  - pip install -r trigger-repository-dispatch-requirements.txt
  - chmod +x trigger-repository-dispatch.py
  - ./trigger-repository-dispatch.py ${EVENT} ${REPO} ${TOKEN}

Where: -

  • EVENT is the repository dispatch type that is defined in the repository workflow being triggered (e.g. my-event)
  • REPO is the repository being triggered (e.g. informaticsmatters/repo-a)
  • TOKEN is a valid personal access token for the REPO. The token must permit execution of the chosen repository dispatch event type

And: -

The repository being triggered defines a repository dispatch event: -

    types: my-event

Running the trigger locally

Although designed for us in a CI process you can use the trigger for development. You just need to configure the environment, to simulate what you'd find in the CI process.

First, it's Python so clone this repository, create an environment, and install the trigger's requirements: -

cd trigger-repository-dispatch
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Now simulate the GitLab environment variables that the tool relies on. You will need to define: -

  • CI_PIPELINE_ID (A simulated GitLab pipeline ID, any string like "521115318")
  • CI_COMMIT_TAG (The tag of the origin repo you want to simulate, i.e."1.0.0")

And then the details of the repository dispatch defined in the client repo: -


For example: -

export CI_PIPELINE_ID=521115318
export CI_COMMIT_TAG=1.0.0


With these environment variables set you just need to run the trigger...

./trigger-repository-dispatch.py ${CLIENT_EVENT} ${CLIENT_REPO} ${CLIENT_TOKEN}