
Trigger a Travis job

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


GitHub tag (latest SemVer)


This script triggers a new Travis-CI job.

Ordinarily, a new Travis job is triggered when a commit is pushed to a GitHub repository. The trigger-travis.py script provides a programmatic way to trigger a new Travis job in a peer repository.


./trigger-travis.py [--pro] [--branch BRANCH] [--vars VARS] \

--pro means to use travis-ci.com instead of travis-ci.org

--branch BRANCH means to use BRANCH instead of master.

TRAVIS_ACCESS_TOKEN is the Travis access token; see below for details.

MESSAGE is a string that will be displayed by Travis's web interface. (For a commit push, Travis uses the commit message.)

Travis access token (.com)

Follow triggering builds instructions in order to obtain your Travis access token, e.g.: -

$ travis login --com
$ travis token --com
Your access token is ????????????????

If the travis program isn't installed, then install it using either of these two commands (whichever one works):

$ gem install travis
$ sudo apt-get install ruby-dev && sudo gem install travis

Don't do sudo apt-get install travis which installs a trajectory analyzer.

Note: that the Travis access token output by travis token differs from the Travis token available at https://travis-ci.org/profile . If you store it in in a file, make sure the file is not readable by others, for example by running: chmod og-rwx ~/private/.travis-access-token

Use in .travis.yml

To make one Travis build (if successful) trigger a different Travis build, do two things:

  1. Set an environment variable TRAVIS_ACCESS_TOKEN by navigating to https://travis-ci.org/MYGITHUBID/MYGITHUBPROJECT/settings.

    The TRAVIS_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable will be set when Travis runs the job, but it won't be visible to anyone browsing https://travis-ci.org/ .

  2. Add the following to your .travis.yml file, where you replace OTHERGITHUB by a specific downstream project, but you leave $TRAVIS_ACCESS_TOKEN as literal text:

language: python
- '3.8'

  # The origin of the trigger code
  - TRIGGER_ORIGIN=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/informaticsmatters/trigger-travis/2020.1

- curl --location --retry 3 ${TRIGGER_ORIGIN}/requirements.txt --output trigger-travis-requirements.txt
- curl --location --retry 3 ${TRIGGER_ORIGIN}/trigger-travis.py --output trigger-travis.py
- pip install -r trigger-travis-requirements.txt
- chmod +x trigger-travis.py

    - stage: trigger downstream

You don't need to supply a MESSAGE argument to trigger-travis.py; it will default to the current (upstream) repository, commit id, and one line of the commit message.

Credits and alternatives

A fork of https://github.com/plume-lib/trigger-travis