Repo containing code for running experiments related to causal transfer learning project.

  • Install mazelab package

pip install -e .

  • To generate data from different running environments, run following bash script Add game_type in below shell script ./

  • To generate data for single environment (height=10 and width = 10), run the following command `PYTHONPATH=$PWD python codes/data/ --random_obstacles 1 --height 10 --width 10'

  • To analyze and save combined training data for structure learning, run the following command: PYTHONPATH=$PWD python codes/data/ --game_type trigger_non_markov_flip --start 5 --stop 75

  • To run the structure learning non-linear model, use following command. PYTHONPATH=$PWD python codes/data/ --game_type trigger_non_markov_flip --l1 0.01 --l2 0.01 --rho 1.0 --mode eval

  • To train/eval DQN algorithm, use the following command. PYTHONPATH=$PWD python codes/models/rl_approaches/ --height 10 --width 10 --render 0 --game_type trigger_non_markov --mode train --gamma 0.99

  • To train/eval Causal + DQN algorithm, use the following command. PYTHONPATH=$PWD python ./codes/models/rl_approaches/ --height 10 --width 10 --render 0 --game_type trigger_non_markov --mode train --num-trials 10 --gamma 0.99 --use_causal_model --causal_update 3000 --stop_causal_update 8000 --H 100 --max-episode-length 1000 --K 5 --mbmf

  • To generate plots for performance of DQN and Causal Algorithm use the following command. PYTHONPATH=$PWD python ./codes/models/rl_approaches/ --height 10 --width 10 --render 0 --game_type trigger_non_markov --mode eval --num-trials 10 --gamma 0.99 --use_causal_model --causal_update 3000 --stop_causal_update 8000 --H 100 --max-episode-length 1000 --K 5 --mbmf