
News is a logging and reporting tool for a fictional newspaper as part of the Udacity Full-Stack Web Development Nanodegree Program. As a tool it focuses on key insights into the backend database of the newspaper. These insights are provided by a set of database queries assembled together in the form of a command line tool.


First VirtualBox and Vagrant must be installed and configured.

Installing VirtualBox

VirtualBox can be downloaded from here. You do not need the extension pack or SDK and you do not need to launch VirtualBox as Vagrant will do that.

Installing Vagrant

Vagrant can be installed from here.

Configuring Vagrant

To configure vagrant, fork and clone this repository. cd in your terminal into this directory and inside you will find the vagrant directory. cd again into that directory.

Running Vagrant

Run vagrant up in your terminal to start the virtual machine. Once this is finished, run vagrant ssh to to connect to your vagrant.

Installing News

cd into your vagrant directory and then run

git clone

in your terminal. You must have a copy of the newspaper database active in order to connect and run the queries successfully (See Below).

Database Setup

First, unzip the database file and put this file which is called newsdata.sql, into the vagrant directory, which is shared with your vagrant virtual machine. To load the data, cd into your vagrant directory and execute the command psql -d news -f newsdata.sql. This command will connect to and set up the database.


To run News, run the following command


in your terminal. In order to run you must be in your vagrant directory in your terminal and have a recent version of python 3 installed.


News is distributed under the MIT License.