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資安面試問題 Security Interview Questions

I collected and organized some of the questions that might be asked during the interviews of security-related positions. Most of the content is in English and based on the experience I have in the US, it would be great if anyone can help to translate it into Mandarin and other languages or add content.

  • 有想分享的面試問題、或補充答案,歡迎直接在對應主題裡建Pull Request
  • 分類、題目或答案有錯,歡迎建Issues
  • 如果覺得分類有誤或是能夠更好的分類,歡迎在Discussions討論

  • Create a Pull Request if you want to share questions or provide answers
  • Create an Issues if the classification, question, or answer is incorrect
  • If you believe there's a better way to classify the questions feel free to bring it up in Discussions

Road Map

  • 將所有問題補上答案 Provide answers to all questions
  • 更妥善的分類問題 Organize the questions in a better way
  • 將內容整理成更適合閱讀的形式 Made the content and interface more user-friendly
  • 將內容整合進資安解壓縮的網站,或是另外架設一個網站 Create a website or migrate the content into infosecdecompress.com

目錄 Content

Basic Encryption and Authentication
Basic Network and Network Security
Application Security
Security and Risk Management
Security Operation / Incident Response
Penetration Testing
Threat Modeling
System Admin
Security Related Coding
Behavior Questions

Tips from Grace

Interview Tips

  • Ask questions

    • Questions create thirst for answers.
    • Ask questions to yourself when you’re studying, to the people you are studying with.
    • Questions reveal how you approach problems.
    • Ask your interviewer lots of questions. They often intentionally ask questions with few details.
  • Say what you are thinking

    • The interviewer can only make an evaluation on your suitability for the job based on the things you say.
    • If you don't say your thought process aloud, then the interviewer doesn't know what you know.
    • Practice saying everything you know about a topic, even details you think might be irrelevant.
    • Write pseudo code for your coding solution so you don't have to hold everything in your head.
  • Reduce cognitive load

    • If the infrastructure is complicated, draw up what you think it looks like.
    • Write tests and expected output for code you write, test your code against it.
    • Take notes about the questions so you don't forget important details.
  • Prepare

    • Prepare questions that you want to ask your interviewers so you don't need to think of them on the spot on the day. Since an interview is also for you to know more about the workplace, I asked questions about the worst part of the job.
    • Bring some small snacks in a box or container that isn't noisy and distracting. A little bit of sugar throughout the day can help your problem solving abilities.
    • Stay hydrated - and take a toilet break between every interview if you need to.
  • Do practice interviews

    • Do them until it's comfortable and you can easily talk through problems
    • Ask them to give you really hard questions that you definitely don't know how to answer
    • Practice being in the uncomfortable position where you have no idea about the topic you've been asked. Work through it from first principles.
    • Doooo theeeeemmm yes they can be annoying to organise but it is worth it.

Learning tips

  • Learning How To Learn course on Coursera is amazing and very useful. Take the full course, or read this summary on Medium.
  • Track concepts - "To learn", "Revising", "Done"
    • Any terms I couldn't easily explain went on to post-its.
    • One term per post-it.
    • "To learn", "Revising", "Done" was written on my whiteboard and I moved my post-its between these categories, I attended to this every few days.
    • I looked up terms everyday, and I practiced recalling terms and explaining them to myself every time I remembered I had these interviews coming up (frequently).
    • I carried around a notebook and wrote down terms and explanations.
  • Target your learning
    • Think hard about what specific team you are going for, what skills do they want? If you aren't sure, then ask someone who will definitely know.
  • Identify your weaknesses.
    • If you're weak on coding and you find yourself avoiding it, then spend most of your study time doing that.
  • Read
    • Read relevant books (you don't have to read back to back).
    • When looking up things online, avoid going more than two referral links deep - this will save you from browser tab hell.
  • Mental health
    • Take care of your basic needs first - sleep, eat well, drink water, gentle exercise. You know yourself, so do what's best for you.
    • You are more than your economic output, remember to separate your self worth from your paycheque.
    • See interviews for what they are - they are not a measure of you being "good enough".

Licenses & Contributions

Great thanks to Grace Nolan for sharing her Interview Study Notes and allow me to integrate them into this site.

The theme is Copyright of Patrick Marsceill, licensed under MIT license.

Content on this site is licensed under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license.