- 0
Do you will update this plugin ?
#36 opened by wireks - 0
Uncaught Exception TypeError: implode(): Argument #1 ($pieces) must be of type array, string given in /opt/glpi/marketplace/manageentities/inc/critype.class.php at line 65
#33 opened by NazarovRoman - 0
Demande d'assistance technique pour corriger les problèmes de droits liés au plugin Gestion Clients sur GLPI
#32 opened by William-v2 - 0
- 0
When a "Generate Intervention report" is created, it doesn't link to the contract
#30 opened by jcervantes-sipecom - 0
- 0
Need some help with tutorial
#28 opened by jcervantes-sipecom - 0
Crossed time (itinerary including) Not equal from ticket with Intervention periods of contract
#27 opened by jcervantes-sipecom - 7
- 0
- 0
Migration of column "glpi_plugin_manageentities_configs.documentcategories_id" cannot be done as it contains negative values.
#24 opened by Megachip - 2
Errors occured during migration
#23 opened by Badkempachi - 0
Impossible d'ajouter une prestation
#21 opened by lolokai - 7
Type d'intervention vide
#22 opened by lolokai - 0
Problem with the length of title
#20 opened by Dead-Red - 4
- 19
- 5
- 6
Lier un ticket à un contrat ?
#9 opened by ibisupport - 1
Pas de décompte de temps sur l'entité mère lorsque des tickets sont crées et liés a la prestation parente sur une sous-entité
#13 opened by TuX1sPuNk - 1
Impossible d'ajouter un nouveau client
#8 opened by TedoA - 1
- 2
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function PluginManageentitiesCompany::addFiles()
#7 opened by samakehamed - 2
Mise à jour pour GLPI 9.2
#6 opened by tfontaine17 - 1
Suivi mensuel et détails du contrat
#4 opened by boscorelly - 2
- 4
Catégorie de tickets
#2 opened by boscorelly - 8
9.1 support?
#1 opened by Stoatwblr