
A BOSH Release of PostgreSQL Service Broker for Cloud Foundry

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Cloud Foundry PostgreSQL Service Broker

This repository contains a BOSH release for a Cloud Foundry PostgreSQL service broker.

git clone https://github.com/Infra-Red/postgresql-service-broker-boshrelease.git ~/workspace/postgresql-service-broker-boshrelease
cd ~/workspace/postgresql-service-broker-boshrelease
git submodule update --init --recursive



Populate a vars file (using manifest/vars-file.yml as a template), save it to secrets/vars.yml. You will need values from both your cloud-config and secrets from your cf-deployment.

To deploy:

bosh upload-stemcell https://s3.amazonaws.com/bosh-aws-light-stemcells/light-bosh-stemcell-3541.9-aws-xen-hvm-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent.tgz
bosh deploy --vars-file secrets/vars.yml manifest/cf-postgres-template.yml

Registering the Service Broker

After registering the service broker, the PostgreSQL service will be visible in the Services Marketplace; using the CLI, run cf marketplace.

BOSH errand

$ bosh -e YOUR_ENV -d postgresql-service-broker run-errand broker-registrar


  1. First register the broker using the cf CLI. You must be logged in as an admin.

    $ cf create-service-broker shared-postgresql-broker BROKER_USERNAME BROKER_PASSWORD URL

    BROKER_USERNAME and BROKER_PASSWORD are the credentials Cloud Foundry will use to authenticate when making API calls to the service broker. Use the values for manifest properties jobs.postgresql-service-broker.properties.broker.username and jobs.postgresql-service-broker.properties.broker.password.

    URL specifies where the Cloud Controller will access the PostgreSQL broker. Use the IP address of postgresql-service-broker instance and port of postgresql-service-broker job. By default, port is set to 8080.

    For more information, see Managing Service Brokers.

  2. Then make the service plan public.

De-registering the Service Broker

The following commands are destructive and are intended to be run in conjuction with deleting your BOSH deployment.

$ bosh -e YOUR_ENV -d postgresql-service-broker run-errand broker-deregistrar


Run the following:

$ cf purge-service-offering a.postgresql
$ cf delete-service-broker shared-postgresql-broker