
The benchmark is based on knb from the k8s-bench-suite.

Benchmark protocol


CNI selection

Conditions for a CNI to be benchmarked are :

  • it must setup on on-premise bare-metal cluster
  • it must be easy to setup (a yaml manifest, a helm chart, or an operator)
  • it must not relies on proprietary hardware

Run example

All benchmark runs are recorded with which uses Asciinema : starts asciinema recording, and call who is in charge of :

  • setup lab
  • setup cni
  • run 3 rounds of benchmark, save data to knbdata files
  • teardown lab

Please note that uses, the node deployment script that is tailored for our MaaS-based lab environment.

Example :



User friendly results

Results for human being with charts and interpretation are available in an article on Medium.

Work in progress ... Still writing it for now.

Aggregated results

You can also check aggregated results on the spreadsheet here :

Values injected in the spreadsheet are in files results/<cni>.<distrib>-<kernel>/<cni>.<distrib>-<kernel>-run<x>.tsv

Raw results

Raw results are available in this repository, just check the results directory for *.knbdata files. You can generate reports with knb, for example :

knb -fd results/antrea-default.u20.04-hwe/antrea-default.u20.04-hwe-run1.knbdata -o text
# or
knb -fd results/doc-antrea.u18.04-default/doc-antrea.u18.04-default-run1.knbdata -o json
# or
knb -fd results/doc-antrea.u18.04-default/doc-antrea.u18.04-default-run1.knbdata -o yaml

As knbdata files are just simple tar.gz archives, you can also uncompress the file to see raw containers logs (showing data even before being parsed by knb)